Unbalanced friendship

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“Hey, how you going” I asked Kristine. She looked at me and made herself she didn’t hear me at all. First I thought that she really didn’t, so I tried to talk  to her again but no answer .Then I made sure she didn’t want to talk with me. I entered the class like nothing happened ,then she took her things and move her seat away from me, that was another sign that she don’t want to talk to me.

That day everyone was looking at me in weird looks, except for one boy called Michal. He was the only one who didn’t ignored me; he was nice to me and makes me feel happy with funny jokes.

“So, what happen to the rest of the class? They are acting weird today” I asked.

“Aha…mmm…I think because they knew that you are poor and you are not supposed to come to this school.” he said in low voice.” listen, am not with them in that point, I see everyone can come and study in everywhere they want, poor or rich it does not matter” he said smiling.

“Thank you” I said.

That day I was with Michal he didn’t leave me a second, and anyone who says bad stuffs on me he answered them all. I felt well protected that day although I was sad of Kristine.

I thanked myself that day finished, I went to sleep without saying a word to father. My father noticed that and tried to talk to me but I didn’t and pretend being asleep.

Next day I didn’t want to go but if I don’t my father will ask me the reason and I didn’t want to tell him. I pretend being fine and went to school.

Before the assembly I saw Michal taking to Kristine, I wanted to know what was going on but still I didn’t take any step further to them.

After the assembly I saw Kristine coming toward me, and said “Isabelle am sorry I acted like silly girl and listened to them. I should say that we are friends even if you are poor or rich. But  now I know my mistake, and I want you to …..Forgive me and become friends again….I mean if you want….i promise I want let you down this time”

I was happy that she‘s back again and I know this has hand with that talk that she had with Michal , am grateful to him.

“I forgive you, everyone do mistakes the important thing is to learn from it, that is what my father says every time “I smiled.

“Thank you” she said grinning.

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