Sweet Moments

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   “Isabelle, Adrian was wondering if you have time to take Enric around. You know today is holiday and even for you to change weather a bit……so what do you say?” said my father while I was reading my book.

I was happy to go with him but I was kind of scared.

“No, problem dad I‘ll get ready” I said and start to dress up.

After that I went to his house and I was nervous of how I looked and if he well be happy to come with me.

The door opened it was him who opened, not the maid; it seems he was waiting for someone.

“Isabelle you came, I was waiting for you” he said smiling.” you look beautiful!”

“Thanks, so are you ready?” I said. When he said that words I was like flying like bird, I don’t really know the exact feeling but it was wonderful.

“Qui…I am” he said grabbing my hand gently and we start walking. I couldn’t say a word, looking at the ground abashed.

“Where will we start first?”He said nicely.

“Mm...To the park, then …To the sea” I said.

“Ok, I see you planned for this day” he said. ”let’s go then” he said excited voice.

We start walking, at first no one talked it was silent but then he started talking about his dream to be a doctor.

“Why don’t you be what you want….It easy for you to what you really wanted” I said wondering.

“You know my father; he tried hard to make the company what it is known now. And I can’t just say I don’t and blow everything he was building by the wind. He trusts me.” He said in deep tense.

“I understand but you can do this….save money and build a hospital in a poor neighborhood, in that way you’ll help them and make you dream of helping people will come true” I said cheering him up.

He stared at me a while and said” that’s a great idea, Isabelle you are genies!”

In that moment I felt helpful and I was glad I did help him it was nice feeling to feel.

“Here is the park” I said pointing to the park.

He looked at park and to its green plants as if he is enjoying the view and even he closed his eyes to listen to the singing birds. He is so much different than any man I really saw before, he is special.

“This place is striking; it makes the person relaxed and full of energy. You know if I am upset or angry the only place which calm is the park” he said breathing in the air deeply.

“You are different” I said.

“You mean, not like other boys” he said calmly.

“Well, yes” I said sensing his cold expression.

“I don’t know really, it is something in me which I can change. But to tell the truth I was naughty in my childhood, a kind of boy who wants to know everything.” He said laughing.

He was so opened to me and told many things of his childhood and we laughed a lot, he was so friendly.

“We talked a lot of me, what about you” he said looking at me.

“My childhood was hard until your father appeared and changed it” I said and then continued the rest of my story. He seemed interested and not faking it, he was listening.

“Well, I see you were strong girl to passé all this “he said smiling. “Am hungry, you?”

“Me too”

We ate in restaurant near the park and then we headed to sea.

“I love the sea its so mystery and dangers, but beautiful” I said looking toward it.

“Oh” I said when he splashed me. ”you started it” I said splashing him back. Soon after that we were so wet that it looked like we took a bath with our clothes on.  It was so funny that we started to laugh uncontrollably at ourselves. Shortly afterwards we felt tired and so decided to lie down on the beach together watching the sunset.

“It is ….Beautiful” I said.

“you know what they say in France, they say it’s a romantic moment” he said staring at me in a weird way, I didn’t make self that I noticed his looks and said” we are late, we get to go”.

“Your right” he said looking back at the sunset.

When I arrived home my father was not there, Melisa told me that he went to Uncle Adrian. After I took bath, lying on the bed; I was thinking of him, Enric.

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