Chapter 9: Riku Touma

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'Sh*t, I've reached my limit.'  In my current condition, I'll be exhausted far faster than healthy people.

The two males in the alley have totally blocked my path. It's becoming difficult to dodge. The slim man was too fast, and this fat guy kept attacking, and I kept dodging. The slim male completely blocked my running path. Earlier, they had become entangled in a brawl, and it was my opportunity to flee. When I was about to pass them, the slim blocked my way, forcing me to back out.

'Don't even think about running past us,' the slim said, and today, I'm here, breathing heavily. My body was pretty exhausted.

"Hey, you're too weak, it's just a little dodging and here you are completely exhausted," the fat said, grinning. I clicked my tongue in response to his statement.

The fat men attacked another, and I was able to avoid once more, but this time I started coughing. My ordinary coughing kept me from paying attention.


While distracting, I can already feel something approaching me. It was the fatty's enchantment.

'Sh*t, I can't react in time................Then, I have no choice....'

I used my ice magic to freeze the approaching water, and the frozen water landed in front of me, shocking the two men.

'I'm sorry, Allea... Paladin, but I wasn't supposed to use it.'

"Sh*t, he's an ice user! To think he'll be using his magic now." The slim yelled, "What are we supposed to do?" He inquired of his partner.

"Of course, we're still going to attack," the chubby simply responded.

"Are you crazy?" The slim was taken aback by his response.

"Are you stupid? We still have a chance, moron, look how exhausted he is. We still have a chance to obtain that earing," Chubby screamed, beginning to chant again.

'These guys, they never know when to give up, do they?'

I froze his water magic with my ice magic. He failed his attack once more. And because he continues to use his powers without giving me a chance to rest. Then it's my time to return it to them.

I raised my hand and began releasing ice spells. Only two arrows were created; by myself. This spell I'm casting right now may look like an arrow, but it won't pierce your skin. It will just paralyze you by freezing you. The two males were taken aback. I began attacking them, and both of them tried to dodge but my ice arrows were faster. They were struck by my ice arrows on their feet. They yelled in pain. There was no blood; instead, ice was applied on their feet to paralyze them. I was going to use my lightning magic, but it was too much for my body and I would end up killing them, so I just used my ice magic instead.

"AHH, it's cold! I can't feel my feet!" they shouted out.

'Finally, now I just need to esca—' I was stopped when I coughed again, this time with blood.

'Sh*t....I used to much magic'

"COUGH! COUGH! COUGH!" I couldn't stop coughing.

'It won't stop!'

"This is our chance! we won't let you get away with it!" yelled the fat men while still on the ground in pain, but I wasn't paying attention much because I was so focused on coughing. Coughing hurt my chest, but I can still manage them a little bit.

I sensed something approaching me, and it was the fatty's magic again. I was getting annoyed and tried to attempted to use my ice magic but was halted when I coughed violently, "COUGH! COUGH! "

"Die!" I could hear the fat men shout. 

I couldn't avoid the attack, but then.... Someone grabbed me, and the next thing I knew, I wasn't harmed by the magic. I found myself on the opposite side of where the attack had struck. I felt arms wrapped around my waist. I turn around to see who had saved me from the attack. I noticed a boy who was taller than me. He has green eyes, grey hair, and clothes fit for a homeless person who is always lying on the ground. This kind of figure, is familiar.

"You! Who are you?" yelled the slim to the boy who had saved me. The boy did not respond. He released off of me and began walking towards them.

"Y-you, stay away from us!" exclaimed both of them. The fat guy used his magic, but the boy avoided them all. As a result, the two men began to panic and they attempted to flee but were unable to do so because their feet had been frozen in place by my magic. They are unable to stand and must instead lie flat on the ground. When the boy appeared in front of them. I watched him lift his hands and made a karate chop at their necks. I noticed the two men completely still on the ground, like a dead corpse.

'Did he knocked them out?'

I noticed the boy turn around and glance at me. I returned his gaze and said, "Thank y—" I was about to finish my sentence when I started coughing again. I had a bloody cough.

I was preoccupied with my coughing that I didn't notice the boy was already been standing at my side, and that the coughing had stopped. I took the handkerchief inside my pocket that Allea had handed me while we were at the carriage that time.

'Good thing I didn't give it back to her.'

"My name is Hiroka, and I want to thank you for saving me," I said, bowing to him with gratitude.

"Y-you're welcome," he said when I finally straightened up straight. "Umm, may I ask your name?" I asked. I'm certain of it. This figure is exactly like the one described in the novel. He's the one. To think we'd meet in this way in this situation. I'll have to bring him.

"It's Riku Touma," he said.

"Nice to meet you, Riku. If it's possible, could you come with me to my house? I'd like to give you something as a thank you for saving my life."

'Just say, Yes!'

"No, it's fine—" I overheard him ready to say no, but he was cut off when we heard someone speak.

"Your Highness, where are you?!" 

Thank heavens, because I'm sure Riku would decline if it weren't for that.

"Your highness!" yelled another, and I'm sure it was Paladin's voice. I removed my hood, revealing my face and my sparkling earring. Riku was taken aback, but I merely smiled at him. It's okay to show my face now because Riku is trustworthy and no one will be passing by.

"I'm here!" I shouted. Then we noticed Paladin emerge from around the corner of the alley. I even witnessed Allea and.........



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