EXTRA chapter (3)

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In the world known as earth. Christmas is almost here. There was this male teenager who was already nineteen years old. sitting silently on a bench and gazing
a gloomy sky where snow had already begun to fall.

He's been sitting on the bench for the past hour or so, and nobody has been passing by. The male teenager was at the park. sitting silently and alone. covering himself in a heavy coat and wrapping a scarf around his neck to protect him from the cold.

He felt nothing at all, in place of warmth. To him it was empty. He felt empty that the person he was supposed to be with, enjoying the snowfall together, was no longer in this world.

He always hears the lovely tune and laughter from him. It has disappeared long ago. He still hasn't moved on from his death, even after months have passed.

His condition alarmed his parents. He has not been eating or sleeping well. He also stopped playing the guitar and stored it in his room covered in dust.

'What is the use of playing the guitar if no one will sing along with him? It's best to give up.'

The man is forced to sigh. He let out a big breath that was visible.

The man got to his feet, making sure to grab the book that was lying flat on the bench. He recalled giving him this as a gift when he was in the hospital so he wouldn't become bored staring at nothing. He's still not done reading it. He never even reached the middle of the page.

As he didn't complete the book. In his place, the male will finish reading it and discuss the events in the book in his grave. His very close friend will no doubt be happy to hear.

The man began to leave the park. He had no idea where he was heading. Simply followed the path his feet would take him.

He kept walking, completely unaware that he had moved to the side of the road. When he realized the light was red, he stopped. advising not to cross the street quite yet.

There was a woman and a child standing opposite him. The kid was bouncing his own ball while playing with it. As the mother typed something on his phone.

It was a coincidence that the child's ball bounced off and rolled in the middle of the road just as the light turned green after about a minute.

The worst part was that a truck was approaching quickly as the child ran to retrieve the ball.

The mother's terrifying cry, "K-Kenta! Stop!"

The male gave the child a terrifying look and shouted, "Watch out!"

Warn the child that a truck is approaching and that he should stop running.

The man immediately ran to the child in an attempt to save him. With no means to halt, the truck was now quite close. It keeps going quickly.

Hurrying over to the child. Before quickly snatching him up and turning to prevent the kids from being struck.


The guy was hurled away from the collision while he held the child to keep it safe.

'How funny,' the man thought.

To think that when he was hit, the man was still laughing weakly.

There was so much blood on his head. His body hurt and he was paralyzed. The child in his arms continued to breathe despite not moving. The child must have fainted and had only a few scratches.

The man had fuzzy vision.

It's amazing to believe that 'Kenta' was the name of the child he saved. The male grinned and closed his eyes slowly, 'What a coincidence.'

The male had stopped breathing.

Beside him, the book the male had carried earlier was now drenched in blood. The title "Betrayal" was clearly visible, a glittering crimson title.


In a different world. A male teenager awoke from his sleep. He dreamed. He was a little confused. He had a dream, but it was hazy and difficult to recall. 'Kenta' was the name he heard over and over. He didn't get it.

The male teenager went by Kiyoshi de Ichiro. A demon realm prince who will soon rule as king in the demon realm castle.

The prince got out of bed and went over to the big window. He noticed that the sky was crimson, which was nothing unusual because he saw it every day. Since the demon realm is always like this, there was no change in the weather.

The prince questioned the identity of this 'Kenta.' He was a little confused. His dreams became strange all of a sudden. It was not the same. The dream world was different. What was that?

A/N: Hi there, readers. I sincerely hope you enjoy my latest uploads, and happy holidays to everyone of you! May this holiday season and the upcoming year bring you everything that is lovely, significant, and joyful!

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