EXTRA Chapter

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7 Years ago Before Christmas

"Damn! Why are we still in school when Christmas is approaching? Is the school insane?! *sigh*"

A 11-year-old kid named Kenta Bernardo complained as he walked tiredly through the side of the road. He was dressed in a jacket with his high school outfit underneath. It was snowing, and numerous cars were driving down the road. Some stores were still getting ready to open, while others were still closed. He arrived at his school in about a minute. It was crowded with students. He overheard several kids complaining in the same way he did, while others were unconcerned. When the students spotted him, they greeted him directly, "Good morning," and Kenta returned their greeting. Yes, he was popular at school. He was popular since he was the top student in school. They dubbed him a genius, and he was also popular for being a great singer. They loved his voice and thought that his voice was pretty like angelic. The greeting continued till he arrived at his classroom. When he eventually made it to his classroom. His classmates greeted him too.

"Good morning, Kenta!"

"Morning Kenta!"

"Kenta, Morning!"

"Good morning, everyone!" he greeted with a smile as he walked to his seat, which was next to the window and next to Aki's seat. They were deskmates. When he got to his seat, he noticed Aki already there and greeted him.

"Good morning, Kenta."

"Morning," Kenta said, taking a seat in his chair and yawning.

"Oho, looks like someone is still drowsy," Aki joked, and I simply pouted and leaned against my desk for a quick nap.

"Wake me up when the instructor arrives," Kenta said, his head resting on the desk.

"All right," Aki answered.

When the bell rang, all of the students rushed to their separate classrooms to wait for their teachers to come. In Kenta and Aki's classroom, their advisor teacher came, and Aki immediately woke up Kenta.

"Hey Kenta, the teacher's here," Aki whispered, and Kenta sprang awake from his nap, stretching his arms and sitting up straight.

The class has begun. The students sat through the full topic discussion and waited an hour for a break and lunch break. When the break came, students bought refreshments and spent some of their time in the classroom playing or doing activities that high school students do during their breaks. When the breaks were finally over, students had to wait another hour for lunch to arrive. Some students were skipping class, some were napping, and yet others were participating in the discussion of the teacher. Finally, the bell rang, signaling that it was time for students to have lunch.

"Hey Kenta, let's go get a bite to eat," Aki said to Kenta, who was cleaning his desk.

"All right," Kenta said after he was finished, and he followed Aki through the cafeteria. Students were crammed inside the cafeteria. It was rather loud. Aki and Kenta stood in the line where students buy their lunch. When it was finally their turn, they purchased what they want and proceeded to an open seat. The seat they sat was only for two students to eat their lunch.

Some people who spotted Aki and Kenta were glad to see them dining in the cafeteria, while others planned to sit with them but did not.

In the perspective of BL fans or students who aren't lovers of BL, they may appear to be dating, but they aren't. Students at the school were previously aware that Kenta was gay, but they didn't care. Aki, on the other hand, was difficult to understand. Some students believe Aki was also gay and liked Kenta since they were usually together, while others believe he wasn't and was simply Aki's childhood pal who was always there for him. He was loyal and kind. Aki was popular too but Kenta was more popular than him.

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