Chapter 2.34 - Heroine making a move?

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The following morning, class has already begun in the classroom.
Also heard is the sound of chalk.

Hiroka was observed resting in his right hand and unaware of his surroundings as he stared out the window. He still hasn't decided what song he will perform today after class. He will head to the club after class is over, which is only around three hours away.

Some of the students around him were listening to Professor Keda as he spoke further about the AEM. Both the drawback and the benefit from it. Some students dared to chat and sleep during class. Already forgetting what Professor Keda will do to them will be terrifying.

Hiroka, on the other hand, was lost in thought and working on a song.

He can see the lovely clouds in the sky, just like he always does. He is filled with amazement and awe when he watches them because of their unexpected and ever-changing character.

Hiroka had the idea, 'Beautiful...Clouds....World....,' and then he remembered his conversation with Riku from last night.

"But...As I met you, Your highness, I began to see the world differently. You saved my life in that horrible place and met lots of good people in the castle. I began to see the beauty of the world around me."


Over his desk, there was paper and ink. On his right hand was a quill pen. While listening to the professor, his eyes were fixed on the board.

Riku became aware of someone eyeing him next to him. When he turned to his left and found Hiroka looking at him, he questioned, "What is it?"

Hiroka said, "...Nothing," and then turned his attention back to the window.

Even though Riku was a little confused, he ignored it and continued to pay attention to the lecture.

Hiroka sighed, then all of a sudden, a thought struck him.

As soon as he could, Hiroka grabbed a piece of scratch paper from beneath his desk and a Quill pen. He started writing stuff after that.

Riku glanced to the side and then back to see what Hiroka was up to. He appeared to be somewhat pleased that Hiroka had finally thought of a song, as evidenced by his warm eyes.


Professor arranged the items on his table before saying, "That will do it for today."

Now that class had ended, the students were relieved. They had been sitting in chairs to listen to the professor's lesson for so long that their butts were starting to hurt. Sometimes his serious discussion made them so sleepy, and other times it suddenly became interesting.

Professor Keda continued as he glared at the students who weren't paying attention to his earlier discussion, sending chills down their spines. 'We got a bad feeling about this,' they thought in their minds.

"Tomorrow, better prepare yourself as will be having an AEM activity located at training grounds," he said.

"Well then, class dismissed. Hope you won't die the next day." Professor Keda walked out of the room. A few students took a swallow and quickly left the classroom.

Meanwhile, two students were still present but had not yet left. Riku and Hiroka are still seated in their seats.

Hiroka was holding a piece of paper with song stanzas written on it in his right hand while leaning his head against his left. He was paying attention to the piece of paper in his hand. He is mentally singing the song. He was now finished and prepared. He was unaware that the class had ended just a moment earlier, which is why Riku decided to tap him on the shoulder.

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