Chapter 23: Mana Flow

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Two people were walking down a long corridor towards their destination. The sick second prince, known only within the kingdom, and his maid.

They finally arrived at the training ground. They noticed a young man practicing his sword swings. It wasn't a wooden sword, but a real one.

Hiroka noticed Riko's condition. His clothes were filthy, and many of them were torn at the edges. Riko had a few scratches on his legs and arms, but Riko didn't mind those and kept training.

'To think that brother let beginners like Riko use real swords in advance.' Thought the second prince, but the second prince already knew why his brother, the Crown prince, let a young man use real swords now.

There are two of them. First, it's possible that his brother, the Crown Prince, was already aware of his power and strength. And the second is...After all, the Crown Prince only has two months to teach him, and when he returns to school, the Crown Prince wants young men like Riko to be able to train on their own.

Hiroka sighed as he considered the two options. Riko, on the other hand, heard it and stopped swinging his sword in the air, looking for the source. He relaxed when he saw his own master, whom he will now serve for the rest of his life.

"How was training with my brother?" the Second Prince asked as he approached.

"The training was fine," Riko replied, unsure.


"I guess my brother really put you through some tough training while I was inside the Palace, huh?"

Riko scratched the back of his neck and nodded slowly. The Second Prince sighed again as he saw Riko admit the crown prince was harsh on the training.

"The Highness, the Crown Prince is strong..." Riko admitted unexpectedly, and Hiroka, the second prince, was taken aback.

"No matter what I do, I can't put a finger on him," Riko continued, gripping the sword's handle. As he remembered the Crown Prince's swordsmanship, his brow furrowed.

"Of course, you don't," Hiroka replied, and Riko just looked at him, puzzled.

"You're currently a beginner in swords, Riko. Physically, you may be strong because you've been living in a harsh environment where you need to survive no matter what and that gives you to build physical strength, but you have no skills in swords. That's why you can't win against him," Hiroka sighed again, crossing both of his arms.

"But you know, even if you still have no skills in swords and have physical strength, I am absolutely certain that there is one method that can give you a scratch from my brother." Hiroka continued while grinning, which confused Riko, and quickly expressed his interest.

"Please tell me, your highness," Riko said sternly.

"Please stop the 'highnesses' Riko, I already told you to call me, Hiroka," Riko blinked, realizing what he had said.

"Sorry, I may have said it without thinking," Hiroka just sweatdropped and guessed that Riko may not realize that when he's serious about something, he may address Hiroka as 'Highness.'

"Then...Your Mana," Hiroka began to point at him.

"My...Mana?" Riko asked, puzzled.

"Uhuh, your Mana. We already know that Mana is everywhere; in creatures, plants, the air, the water, and so on. And by 'everywhere,' I mean us people as well." Riko listened silently and waited for Hiroka to continue.

"To scratch my brother, you must learn to flow your mana," Hiroka continued, and Riko raised one eyebrow in confusion. Hiroka could tell Riko didn't understand what he meant when he saw this.

In the novel, when Riko went to the academy with the heroine, he learned about mana flow. Riko practiced the Mana flow all day because, after all, he was a knight. As the heroine's knight, Riko must be strong and capable of protecting her.

When Hiroka remembered it in the novel. He sneers when it comes to the heroine.

Telling Mana flow about Riko. Hiroka was well aware that Riko would learn it as soon as possible rather than later in the novel. He was, after all, a knight. Riko's personal motto was, "He must protect and grow stronger."

Mana flow was not widely discussed in this world but Hiroka was certain that one teacher at the Magical Academy knew about Mana flow and teaches their student, according to the novel. Hiroka remembered he's name was Keda, Professor Keda. Even though Professor Keda was the only one who was concerned about Mana's flow. Some students who listen to him simply ignore it, while others were serious and wanted to learn but quickly gave up because they did not want to waste their lives. Spite the fact that mana flow is the source of power, it was now pushed away in dust in history books. Because mana flow was so difficult to learn and study, some people gave up and chose to learn AEM instead.

"If you can learn Mana flow, you'll be able to flow your own mana to the sword, which will make the sword ten times stronger and sharper than an ordinary sword, but it can also be deadly if not used properly," Hiroka explained as he pointed to the sword. Using his memory from the novel and his knowledge of Mana flow from the books he read.

Riko was taken aback and looked at the sword he was holding. After that, look Hiroka in the eyes.

"Is it simple to learn Mana flow?" Riko asked.

Hiroka remained silent for a moment before responding, "No."

Riko was taken aback by his response.

"Learning Mana flow is extremely difficult than learning to Advance your own magic or Learning Light and Darkness magic. Many people struggle to learn the Mana flow and end up giving up. When Flowing it in the wrong way, it can make your body extremely hurt or worse, some of the parts of your body may not function anymore and in the future, end up dead." Hiroka continued, looking Riko in the eyes.

Riko was simply silent, with a calm expression on his face. He was debating whether or not to take the risk. But he knew he had to learn the Mana flow regardless. As the second prince's personal knight, he should grow in strength and ability to protect the Second Prince.

"I need to learn Mana flow," Riko said sternly, his eyes filled with hope, and Hiroka simply smiled.

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