Chapter 2.32 - MEH result

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A.N: Hello~! I apologize again for the delayed update.I have been so busy that I am at a loss for ideas. My mind keeps shutting down. I sincerely appreciate your patience with me, as well as your ongoing reading and support of my story. (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new update.


The two elegant boys arrived at the lobby. Hiroka heard his name called as he approached the final stairwell with Kiyoshi, and he knew it was Sheln and Kleo, who were already waiting for him to arrive.

Riku, who was ready to approach his highness, halted for a moment as he noticed who Hiroka's company was with, but he quickly ignored it and approached Hiroka, with the two siblings following him from behind.

"How was joining club?" Hiroka asked.

"It was great!" Kleo and Sheln said, making Hiroka pleased.

"Hiroka..." The siblings cast glances at Kiyoshi from time to time, noticing who Hiroka was with. Their brows were drenched with sweat. It made them nervous that a noble was with Hiroka. 'Of course, he must be his friend,' both siblings reasoned.

Riku stood by the siblings, staring at Kiyoshi but saying nothing because he knew who he was.

Kiyoshi's attitude was the same as it had always been for Hiroka and Riku, but for the rest, he glared coldly down at them. The siblings were frightened of nearing him.

"Ah, Let me introduce you, this is—" Hiroka was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"There you are!" A name who was Felix and who had accompanied Kiyoshi earlier, came running towards them.

Felix was forced to come to a halt when he noticed his highness Kiyoshi staring at him coldly dead. Felix snap his mouth shut, and that's when he realized who Kiyoshi was with.

Felix began to sweat as he remembered how surprised he was to learn Hiroka's identity, and how he even did something indecent to a royal he shouldn't have.

"Umm...haha, bathroom," Felix hurriedly fled, a sweatdrop on his brow.


The others were bewildered when they saw Felix leave. "What was that just now?" Kleo wondered.

"Perhaps he can't hold it for long, which is why he has to hurry," Sheln shrugged.

They thought, 'If he wanted to use the bathroom in a hurry so much, then he should have just went. Was there a need for him to hold it that much?'

Hiroka can't help but giggle softly, "anyway, let me introduce you again. This is my friend Kiyoshi Ichiro. And Kiyoshi. These are Kleo and Sheln. And also, this is Riku."

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you," both siblings said formally, bowing.
Riku did the same thing, not to offend the prince of the demon realm, whose identity he already knew, but the siblings simply knew him as a high nobility.

Kiyoshi just nodded to them, and then there was silence. The vibe was awkward. Hiroka spoke out to change that. "Well, now that the introduction is over, why don't we all view the results together?"



"This is..."


"Am I having eye problems?" Kleo glanced at the bulletin board, unsure of what he was seeing.

On the bulletin board, there were at least fifty papers that were taped up. The names of student groups were written in them. The first years were on the left, the second years were in the middle, and the third years were on the right.

Hiroka's company was now on the first years list on the left. Because only a few students were there to see their names, it was very easy for them to see on the bulletin board and not too distracting with the numerous of students.

"Brother, your eyes are fine," Sheln said, hearing his brother's dumb question as she, too, stared at the bulletin board.

"First place..." mumbles Kleo.

"We're... We're really in first place!" Sheln exclaimed.

"Yes! Isn't this mean... Will really get exempted on the exam?" Ask Kleo and Sheln nodded to him.

As Sheln and Kleo exchanged pleasant glances. They grinned one another. They both lifted their hands and clapped together by hitting their palms. Jumps for pleasure as a child should.

Some students who heard and saw them couldn't help but be envious. They are truly excused from the exams as a result of this. 'How lucky they are,' other students thought in envy.

Hiroka is shocked as well. Looking at the bulletin board with the names of the first year students in front of him. His name, as well as the names of his teammates, appeared on the first placer. He had the same reaction as the two siblings. He was really taken aback.

He still can't believe it. Why is this possible? His team hasn't killed many monsters. Their team...Their team was really in first place. Not only that...

Hiroka, have a look below his name and his team. He spotted his new friend's name there. Kiyoshi, his demon prince friend.

"Our team must have gotten pretty lucky to tie with you Kiyoshi," Hiroka casts a sidelong glance at Kiyoshi, who stands motionless beside his right.

Kiyoshi turned to face Hiroka. "The magic you performed that day contributed significantly to your team's score; not only did you kill monsters, but you also used magic to defend against the monsters and keep your team safe."

Kleo exclaimed joyfully, "We really should celebrate together tonight for this achievement!"

Sheln nodded, "We should, this is a once-in-a-lifetime achievement for us!"

Hiroka turned to face the others. Riku, as usual, will only do what Hiroka desires. Kiyoshi, on the other hand... Who knows what thoughts this demon prince has.

Hiroka was considering whether he ought to celebrate for them; after all, Kiyoshi and he had already planned to practice the music they'd perform tomorrow.

Seeing how joyful the two siblings are. If he declines, he feels somewhat guilty.

Before Hiroka can speak to Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi beat Hiroka as he spoke, "You should think about the lyrics of the song by tomorrow's performance. Don't worry about the music, I can adjust what it fits for the song."

Hiroka's eyes blinked. He truly surprise him. He had no idea Kiyoshi was talented in this area. He's got to be a pro or something.

Kiyoshi.. for some reason...


'Impossible. It's only a coincidence,' Hiroka muttered, remembering his friend from the previous world.

"All right, I'll think about the lyrics by tomorrow, and I'm counting on your music to play," Hiroka said, smiling as he returned his gaze to the siblings.

"Let's celebrate together!"

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