Chapter 30: Asher (2)

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Let's simply skip over the sparing part (?). I can't think of a situation in that part, so just imagine their strengths are equal...

It's also advantageous for the tale to jump right to the school chapter.


The referee's mouth was wide, and drops of sweat could be seen on his forehead as the knight yelled, "Both... It's a DRAW!"

Both individuals were aiming wooden swords at one another in the middle of the knights' training area. Asher was pointing at his stomach, while Riko was aiming his wooden blade at Asher's front neck. Riku was barely breathing while Asher was panting. Asher refused to acknowledge that Riku's swings were heavy—almost as heavy as the captain's—even if it was a tie.

The spectators, who had been transfixed the entire time, began to cheer after approximately a minute.

'N-no way,'

'What just happened?'

'This is insane.'

'The swings are powerful.'

Meanwhile, Riko and Asher. Asher's thoughts were a little puzzled.

'How did he defeat the captain when we both somehow have the same strength?' Is this some sort of prank or something? ' Asher thought as he panted and grasped the wooden sword's handle tightly.

Riku now withdraws the wooden blade that was pointed at Asher's neck, and Asher quickly snaps out of his thoughts and withdraws the wooden sword as well.

Asher looked at Riku or sneered at him about the trickery he used on the captain in yesterday's combat. He then talked sharply for approximately a second.

"You..." Asher began as he pointed the wooden blade at Riku again, causing the knights watching to whisper and sweatdrop, while Riku peered at the wooden sword at the end and now looked Asher in the eyes with his doubtful expression.

"If we have the same strength, I can't believe you lost to the captain." As Asher spoke, Paladin was already approaching them and soon heard additional whispers surrounding the knights. Asher's doubts about Riku were shared by the knights, who subsequently looked at Riku with suspicion and demanded explanations. Some looked at their vice-captain, wanting him to explain to them as well, but Paladin merely looked straight and didn't mind the looks. Paladin had known that this would happen when the spar ended but chose to remain silent and let the knights or Asher figure it out for themselves.

"There is no way you can overcome the captain with your current strength! There has to be a mistake!" Asher yelled angrily. Paladin stared at Riku and waited for him to say up or justify his actions in this predicament. When Paladin saw Riku standing there without saying anything and staring straight into Asher's angry face, he began to sweat and the knights behind him became more skeptical.

"Hey! say something!" Asher shouted again, tightening his hold on the wooden sword's handle, which was now 10 millimeters from his neck.

When Riku remained silent, Paladin decided to stand up for him, but when he realized what Riku was doing, he quickly shut his mouth.

All of the knights who had doubts about Riku suddenly had startled expressions, including Asher, who was so surprised that he couldn't speak about what was going on.

What surprised the knights was that the wooden sword Riku was holding had turned a brilliant white color. A protective shield of blazing white surrounds the wooden sword.

"What's going what's on?"

"The wooden sword was glowing!"

"I've seen that before! It's the same as the captain, and it's rather powerful!"

"What exactly is that?"

"I heard it's called a Mana flow..."

Whispers of shock and surprise were now visible in the knights' eyes, and of course, some were jealous and perplexed by their expressions that someone had understood how to use the difficult and powerful Mana flow, while others were perplexed that some witnessed it for the first time.

Asher, who witnessed Riku's wooden sword, realized that what Riku demonstrated was a Mana flow that the captain was also aware of. A source of power, and a very potent one at that. According to some, only 1% to 5% of persons are capable of achieving this.

When they heard their vice-captain's voice, the knights snapped out of it. "Alright, boys. You saw enough. Disperse and start training!" Paladin shouted at the knights gathering around Riku and Asher as he moved towards the two.

When the knights heard him, some complained that they wanted to see more, while others said, 'Yes Sir! ' and then disperse around the training site, training with the sound of clangs all around.

Riku also paused the flow of his Mana and realized that the blade aimed at him had withdrawn.

"Am I now qualified for you to train?" Riku inquired as Asher sweatdropped for the first time he talked to him.

The Paladin beside them simply crossed his arms and waited for Asher to respond, while Riku continued to gaze. Because he was annoyed by his stare, Asher clicked his tongue.

"Before I answer that...The captain also knows how to employ Mana flow, and he has more experience than you; how exactly did you win over him?" Asher inquired as he looked down at the man who was younger than him. Asher still can't believe the captain didn't win despite Riku's little knowledge of Mana flow.

"Let me answer that since Riku truly doesn't talk much to people," said the Paladin who heard this.

Asher then turned to face Paladin, rather than listening to some youngster who doesn't even speak to him.

"Riku won because the captain was taken aback by Riku's abrupt usage of Mana flow in the combat and was wounded on the right cheek."

"...But the captain was definitely caught off guard, so it doesn't imply he won," Asher reasoned, making Paladin sigh even more.

"I know, and the duel was only an agreement. If Riku could scratch the captain, it meant he won, and Riku truly did. Also..." Paladin halted as he scowled at Asher, which caused Asher to stiffen up.

"Losing for letting your guard down still counts as a loss, for that moment might cost you your life. Remember that, Asher..." Asher shuddered, and Riku felt that Paladin sometimes became scary for some reason.

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