Chapter 2.30 - Kiyoshi

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Hiroka says, climbing up another step, "Then I should go alone on the fourth floor."

When Hiroka noticed Riku was about to follow him, Hiroka beat Riku to the chase, "And Riku, I want you to go with them. We'll meet in the lobby after this. You better not follow me, and that's an order," Hiroka sternly told Riku, causing him to withdraw.

Kleo worriedly questioned, "Are you sure you don't want us to go with you?"

Hiroka responded, leaving them behind as he proceeded to climb the steps, "It's fine... It's fine."

To be honest, Hiroka doesn't seem to mind if they accompany him to the fourth floor. He simply wanted Riku to be alone with them. Make more friends and communicate with them without him around. He doesn't want Riku to be with him all the time. When he's around, Riku always ignores or doesn't talk to others and just concentrates on his task of guarding him, which prevents him from making friends.

Hiroka sighed when he reached the third floor. He climbed another step to reach the fourth floor. While climbing, he noticed two familiar demon figures conversing on the steps.

Seeing the Demon Prince in front of his own eyes surprised him.

'What will happen now that this Demon Prince is here on the third floor instead of the second?'Hiroka was confused.'

The Demon Prince, who glared irately at the boy in front of him, who was appealing with fake tears. The boy with long ash red hair that reaches his neck. If he remembered correctly, his name was Felix, and he was a part of the Demon Prince and Riku's team.

The two then became aware of his presence. Felix gazed at him with surprise as he looked in his direction. He was pointing his fingers in his way.

"It's you! You're the ice guy who made the ice wall!" Felix exclaimed as he approached him, adding, "What's your name?" Hiroka unconsciously stepped back due to Felix's sudden closeness.

"Felix," the Demon Prince ordered him coldly to a stop, causing Felix to listen with beads of sweat visible on his brow before backing away from Hiroka.

The Demon Prince looked at him and said, with a poker face but still respectfully, "Greetings, Your Highness."

Felix was still ingesting what he had heard when his expression changed to disbelief and he glanced at Hiroka with an open jaw.

Hiroka, who received greetings from The Demon Prince. He greeted him with a smile and was returned with "Greetings to you too, Your highness."

"Are you passing your club application?" the Demon Prince questioned unexpectedly, pointing to Hiroka's paper that he had been holding for a while.

Hiroka answered, "That's correct, your Highness."

"Forget the formalities; call me Kiyoshi; I want to be close friends with the prince of this human realm," Hiroka was surprised by what he said. Felix, who was listening, was surprised as well.

Hiroka then gave a big smile. Hiroka wished to be close to the prince of the demon world. Who wouldn't want that?

"Then please call me Hiroka, because I, too, want to be close friends with the prince of the demon realm," Hiroka states as he walks up the steps and now stands face to face with Kiyoshi.

"What did you join?" Kiyoshi inquired as he began to ascend the stairs. Hiroka trailed behind him.

"Music club," Hiroka replied right away. Kiyoshi, who had heard it, turned to gaze at Hiroka, as if he was examining him.

"I see..." Kiyoshi murmured after a brief glance at Hiroka, before returning his gaze to the steps in front of him.

"Felix, shut your mouth or a fly will go through." Kiyoshi says loudly to Felix, who is being left behind at the steps with his jaw still open, to let him hear him.

Felix regained his composure after hearing Kiyoshi's voice. He realized he was finally being left behind. Kiyoshi and even Hiroka were gone in his sight.

Hiroka and Kiyoshi were now on the third level as they walked side by side through the hallway. Third-year students were observed inside the classrooms busily listening to their professors, some of whom were daring enough to goof around, and some of them had just been discharged from their class.

Some third years going through the hallway noticed the two. As they passed them by like nothing, girls and boys blushing at their sight. Some were jealous, while others didn't give a damn because they are only first-year students.

Still going alongside Kiyoshi, Hiroka wondered why Kiyoshi had come to this floor on the fourth. First, he might have been seeking for someone he knew, and second, he might also be turning in his club application. However, Hiroka believed the second theory to be impossible. Swordplay has always appealed to Kiyoshi. He may have come here to meet someone after turning in his membership application, right?

Looking at Kiyoshi, Hiroka questioned, "Have you seen the results of the hunt on the bulletin board at the lobby?"

"I haven't yet; how about you?" Kiyoshi said, his gaze fixed ahead.

"Neither have I; oh, what club did you join, if I may ask?"

Suddenly, Kiyoshi stopped walking and followed Hiroka . Only the two of them were present in front of the door as they approached the end of the corridor, which appeared to be empty. 'Music Club; room 39' is written on a nameplate.

"Oh, you must have known where it is and brought me here; thank you for the trouble to take me to the club room," Hiroka says, still focused on the door with sparkles in his eyes, but then he looked at Kiyoshi in disbelief when he heard what he was saying.

"I'm sorry; you must have misunderstood, but I, too, am here to submit my club application."

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