Chapter 2.22 - MEH (8)

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Keda turned to Kim next to him and asked, "How's your assigned team?" Kim was still smiling at him, which irritated him.

I'm keeping an eye on the student there.

Keda noticed a female appearance when he turned to face Kim's direction of vision. People would initially mistake them for a girl, but they were actually a boy. On top of his head is a head of white, curly hair that is as white as snow and as white as white wool. His eyes were the color of sapphire glass.

Keda questioned, "Hiro Isamu... My student?"

"That's correct."

"I'll watch him then."

"You should. Your student has potential, and..." Kim paused and thought back to the student's mana flowing through the broken brick.

Keda lifted an eyebrow in anticipation of his next sentence, "And?"

Kim confidently said, "We'll you'll find out soon enough," which intrigued Keda.

"I see..."

Meanwhile, Hiroka said, "Let's go. We'll go that way," with seriousness, pointing in the direction at the next path they would go. This brought Kleo and Sheln to excitement.

Cheon swiftly said, "No thank you," while glaring irritably through Hiroka.

After his brother, Park Do said, "I'll be staying here," bored, he crossed his arms.

Hiroka added, "Suit yourselves then. Let us go," as he turned to face Kleo and Sheln, who were both nodding and following him.

Cheon was upset to see his team actually abandoning them and without even making an effort to stop them or convince them to assist them. They kept working as they were when they heard something that made them stop.

Both of Hiroka's siblings gasped in shock as they slowly made their way to the next path, "Treasure!?" They made an effort to speak quietly so that no one else could hear them, but Cheon and Park still plainly heard them and paid close attention to what they had to say.

Hiroka smirked and remarked, "Hn, I heard there is a treasure in this dungeon. You both should lower your voices down or else others might hear us," while secretly eying the two hungry aristocratic boys who were now glaring at one another with malicious smiles. secretly preparing a bad plan.

We understand Lord Isamu," Kleo stated.

Sheln chuckled, "I'm looking forward to the treasure search.

"Then let's go, before anyone will find them first," Hiroka speed walked.

Professor Kim, who had already seen them moving toward the next place they go, did not pay attention to the other two students who remained despite the fact that he had entirely forgotten that they were his 1-C students. He had no interest in them at all.

Park Do called at them, "Hey! Wait up!" and they immediately stopped. Park and Cheon approached them closely.

Hiroka grinned softly, 'You caught the bait.'

Hiroka was aware that this dungeon contained no treasure. Just to catch the two aristocrats' attention and go with them rather than staying behind, he used this strategy. In a way, Hiroka regretted exploiting Sheln and Kleo by lying to them.

"I got enough rest," Cheon stated with a smile.

Park Do grinned and marched by them with his brother. "Not tired anymore, I still want to hunt some tre- goblins!" he exclaimed. As they entered the following route, they took the lead.

"R-right..." Sheln awkwardly said



A goblin was struck squarely in the head by a fireball that was spotted flying toward it. The goblin was dead and had a fried head.

Cheon said, "Bull's eye.." as the glow remained in his palms.

Park swung his sword and cut off the goblin's legs with a "Haa!" Goblin screams in agony but is powerless to flee. Park had a chance; he stabbed the goblin in the face, and green liquid poured through the floor.

The group breathes a sigh of relief. While they were moving through the path, five goblins charged at them. They believed it to be finished when Park dealt with and killed the final goblin, but each person's ears were awakened by another scream. Five more goblins were visible when they turned to look in the direction they were facing.


Kleo suddenly said, "Is it just me, or the goblins just kept coming?"

He was answered by Sheln next to him, "I believe so; the goblins kept coming."

Hiroka paused in wonder. The fact that goblins kept showing up must be an indication that this is the route leading to the wide area where numerous goblins stay. The Heroine must have used this route to successfully complete the hunt with a high score.

'Was I lucky?' Hiro thought to himself.

For the eighth time, they continued to enter routes at random. Cheon and Park took the lead and made their own decisions. It leads to repeatedly returning to the starting point. And this time, he was the one who decided on the subsequent course, which led to this... Was he indeed so lucky?

Park shivered, "I really hate their smell and seeing them makes me want to throw up."

Cheon frowned at Park, telling him to "stop talking and just kill them," as he prepared to use more magic.

Park sighed and tightened his grip on the sword's handle as he readied himself.

The five goblins raced towards them one at a time, screaming "@&#£!€$!"

While their Professor stood in the background watching them, the team launched a fierce attack.

The last two pieces of a broken little brick were on Hiroka's hand, and he flowed his mana at them. He's been looking around for broken bricks to use as weapons. however he have only discovered two.

To put some distance between himself and the goblin, Hiroka took a step back. The goblin was struck in the head by the crumbled brick that he had flung at it. It appeared as though a bullet had struck it. When it died, green liquid gushed out of its body.

"Ugh!" Park cried as he fell to the ground and his sword slid away. He faced a goblin that was suffering from an eye wound and was having trouble seeing. The goblin lost its sight and began to attack Park at random, making things difficult for him. Because Park's legs were already worn out, they gave up in the middle of the battle.

Cheon realized his brother was in danger, but he was unable to immediately go help him because a goblin was also attacking him in front of him. Even though he didn't always get along with him, he is still his brother and a member of the family.

A shout was then heard. "Duck!" shouted Hiroka, prompting Park to do the same as a piece of crumbled brick flew past him. Similar to Sheln, the goblin's blindness was pierced by the crumbled brick. Green liquid was released and fell on the floor.

Panting, Park eventually let out a breath of relief that he was still alive. Once more, he was being saved. His brother was the first, and Hiro, a commoner, was the second.

Park couldn't help but bite his lips; he began to feel weak but insisted on denying it. Being noble, he was. Stronger than a commoner should be a noble.

While thinking, Park cast a glance in the direction of Hiroka.

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