Chapter 33

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The next day, Harley decides to go off on her own rather than help the pack with their various activities. She makes her way to the animal clinic, hoping Deaton will have some free time on his hands.

"Hello?" Harley calls as she makes her way into the clinic. Deaton's head peeks out from around the corner.

"Harley," he says. "I wasn't expecting you today. Come on in." He holds open the gate for her, and she smiles gratefully. She walks to the back and stands there in silence, wringing her hands and trying to gather the words. "Did you need something?"

"How much time do you have?"

"My schedule seems to be abundantly clear today." She smiles again. 

"Then there's quite a few things I could use help with." She sighs heavily before continuing. "I have these, powers, right? But I'm not a wolf, which would mean I don't get poisoned by the same things, right?"

"In theory." He goes into a drawer and brings out a notebook. "I did some research once Derek figured out what you were. Things like Mountain Ash would affect you, but things like Wolfsbane shouldn't. Why?"

"On the cross country trip, the Darach poisoned the wolves with Wolfsbane. I was affected too, though, and if Wolfsbane doesn't hurt me, I don't get why that happened." 

"There are numerous potential things that could've happened." He flips through the pages until he lands on one, sliding the book to Harley. "The Wolfsbane may have been mixed with a poison that could hurt you, but those are hard to come by. There's another thing, but--" He trails off.

"But?" Harley urges him.

"There's this thing, in the supernatural world, and it's called a True Alpha. It's an Alpha who hasn't gained their power and strength by taking it, but purely off earning it. When Scott saved me the other day, his eyes glowed red. As rare as it is, I think Scott may be it."

"Right, and while that's amazing, what does that have to do with me being poisoned?"

"The Lunar Witch, in some fables, is a protector of the supernatural. A guardian, if you will. That many wolves being hurt around you at that time could have made you feel some effects, but not to the extent you were hurt. Other stories say that a True Alpha and the Lunar Witch are drawn to each other. A soulmate, if you will."

Harley splutters, face warming. "I hardly think I'm gonna be falling in love with Scott-"

"I'm not saying you will. While you obviously could, many soulmates turn out platonic. It's two people who fit each other, no matter what. That creates a stronger bond than any other, which could explain the extent of your reaction. If Scott truly is this True Alpha, and the stories are true, his poisoning would amplify what you were feeling."

"So, I got sick because Scott's my--my what?"

"I feel as though your brother would be a good analogy for you two."

"Huh." Harley leans back against the counter behind her, feeling dizzy from her information intake. 

"Did you need help with anything else?"

"Yes, actually." She shakes her mind clear and digs through her bag, pulling out a new notebook. "I'm certainly not an artist, but I tried to do general sketches of what I saw when I was under the poison. Everyone saw things that made them react terribly, but mine felt different."

"How so?" He takes the drawings from her and examines them.

"Well, I saw myself, in like three different ways. And one of the things couldn't have happened, because it killed me as a kid and I'm still here. Except, another one of the things that happened could have genuinely happened, and I wouldn't have before thought it was possible but it might be. And then the third thing that happened, it was like--"

"Real?" Deaton asks as he surveys the drawing of Allison's death.

"Real, yeah." She sighs, leaning back against the counter. "Like it's definitely gonna happen and I can't stop it. But it's not gonna happen, right? I mean, that was basically a dream state."

"For some." He gathers her papers together and hands them back to her. "You, however, are quite an anomaly, even in the supernatural realm. None of it may have been real, or all of it could have or will potentially happen based on the path you take."

"So Allison might actually die soon?"


Harley breaths in shakily. "I have to tell her."

"You can. Or you can make sure it doesn't happen." She looks at him for a moment, before looking away and shoving her things back into her bag. However, he stops her before she can leave. "I have a question for you, actually."


"Isaac mentioned you getting bloody noses, or your eyes even bleeding?"

"It happens when I use more of my powers, sometimes, yeah. I figured that was normal when getting to know them, is it not?" He sighs deeply.

"No, it's not. And it's what I was afraid of."

"What?" He flips back through his notebook and pulls up to a page with a picture of a woman's face, bleeding out of her eyes. Harley recoils. "Is that what I look like?"

"Potentially. This text, I read, it says that some Witches can only be turned by True Alphas. However, those are rare, only the ones that share body."


"I fear you are one of those rare Witches. Getting turned by a non True Alpha, it's detrimental. Over usage of your powers leads to bad things."

"Like bleeding out of my eyes?"

"Like dying. Each time you bleed like that, power drains. The more you use your power, the less it regenerates."

"So, I die if I use them. But I'll probably also die if I don't in this world."

"I'm afraid so. Derek never would've gone through with turning you if we had known-"

"I know." She looks to the ground for a moment, gathering her thoughts, before looking him back in the eye. "So what do I do?"

"You avoid your powers, as much as possible, for as long as possible." 

"And if it becomes unavoidable, I say my goodbyes?" His lips pull into a grim line.

"Yes. You're too powerful for your own good."

"Lovely." She laughs in disbelief. "I can't tell them."

"Why not?"

"Have you met them? They won't let me help if they know. My whole point is to help them, is it not?"

He smiles sadly at her. "Awfully noble."

"I'm not gonna stop helping them."

"If you use your powers, you come to me after. I'll look for alternatives to you dying, whatever it takes, but you come to me for healing after. Okay?" She nods, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Okay." She gathers her things and heads out, nodding to him awkwardly at the doorway. "Thank you."

"Stay safe, Harley." 

**A/N Harley's finally getting some answers

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