Epilogue (or so they say)

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"Scott?" Liam calls out. He is wandering around Scott's bedroom, where he found an old, framed picture.

"Liam?" Scott asks as he walks in. "What's up?"

"Who's this?"

Scott sighs deeply. "That would be Harley Rogers."


"She was--um, important to m-us. She died, not too long ago."

"Did you love her?" At Scott's surprised look, Liam smiles sadly. "No one keeps a platonic friendship remembered like this."

"I did, yeah." Scott smiles. "She loved Isaac, though."

"Isaac?" Liam's face screws up in disgust. "Why?"

Scott laughs. "We wondered the same thing. They were just, right."

"Is that why you all get so weird sometimes? Like, quiet?"

"Yeah. She leaves a pretty gaping hole in your heart when she's gone. She would have adored you."

Liam's silent for a moment. "What was she?"

"The Lunar Witch."

"This is the Lunar Witch?"

"The legend herself."

Weeks Later

Scott picks up one of the many papers printed in Coach's office, tugging Liam off to the side with him.

"See the difference?" Liam asks.

"Derek's not on the list anymore," Scott says.

"Yeah, and I'm not worth three million. It's 18 now." Scott sighs, handing Liam the list after a moment. Liam flips it around, confused, and calls out to Scott again.

"What is it, Liam?"

"I thought you said Harley died."

Scott frowns. "She did."

"Why's she on the list?"

You guys didn't think I'd really get rid of Harley, did you? Check back in on Harley in Living Legends, now up on my profile :)

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