Chapter 40

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Harley shoots up in her bed, screaming from yet another nightmare. She's only alone for a moment before both Alayna and Isaac come into the room. Alayna rushes to her side while Isaac hesitates awkwardly at the foot of the bed. Harley shoves her mom lightly away from her, standing and quickly gathering her bearings.

"A dream," she wipes her face and fakes a smile toward the two. "It's just a dream. I've been having a lot of them."

"All right," her mom says. "Well, we brought something for you to help." Harley turns to the two, surprised at the sight of the Nemeton behind them. Before she can speak up, Isaac steps forward and reveals a knife hidden behind his back. He swipes it across her throat, and she falls to her knees, gasping. She scratches at the previous scar, now cut again, before hearing Isaac's voice screaming her name. She falls forward and into Isaac's arms, now seated back on her bed. She realizes she has now waken from the dream, yet continues to scratch at her throat. Isaac grabs either of her hands in his and pushes them away.

"You're hurting yourself," he says, keeping her hands away from her neck. "It's gonna bleed again, sweetheart. You gotta stop." She continues shaking and mumbling for a while, until she eventually calms down. 

"You're real?" she asks, voice slightly raspier than normal. 


"This is real? You're real?" He smiles sadly, drawing her into his arms. 

"All real," he confirms, hugging her tighter as if his embrace could protect her from her own mind.

Despite both Isaac and her mother's worries, Harley goes to school the next morning. 

"Look," Harley sighs as she walks in the front doors, Isaac trailing closely behind her. "Isaac, I don't really need a bodyguard."

"I'm not being your bodyguard," he scoffs.

"Let me walk alone then."

"Absolutely not." Harley rolls her eyes, turning the corner and stopping short. Rather than a new hallway, Harley finds herself in an unknown area. She's facing down a heaving Scott, eyes bright red and fangs dripping blood. She looks down at her hands to find herself in a new, weird outfit, with purple energy emitting rather than her usual red. She looks back up just in time for Scott to jump at her. Rather than getting hit, she's brought back to reality quickly. She notices she's being held back, soon realizing she was in Isaac's hold, with Allison's hands cupping her eyes to hide them. The three are in a broom closet.

"What happened?" Harley asks. 

"Another episode," Isaac says, letting go of her and coming around to face her.

"I thought your eyes were red?" Allison asks.

"They were," Harley confirms. "Are they not anymore?"

"They were green. Like, bright green. Kind of scary, to be honest."

"I don't know what that is. Thanks for the help, but I've gotta get to class." Isaac grabs her arm before she can leave.

"Harley, I can take you home," he suggests. "I think that may be best. If the episodes are gonna keep happening-"

"I'll be fine." Harley pushes the door open and comes face-to-face with Coach, who is staring at the three of them with an unreadable expression. Harley's eyes widen when she takes in their disheveled appearances, likely gained when trying to prevent her from hurting herself. "Coach, this is not what you think it is."

Coach shakes his head before walking away. "Dirty miscreants. Three of them, too!" Harley turns to the other two, face bright red with embarrassment. Isaac and Allison exchange a look before bursting out laughing. Harley huffs and walks away, trying to will away the color in her cheeks. 

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