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Draco sighed. "Ms. Granger where is Mr. Potter?" Hermione sighed. "He refused to get out of bed this morning." "That's where you make him Granger." Hermione and Draco glared at one another.
McGonagall looked at both disapprovingly. "Get back to work, Ms. Granger get Mr. Potter since lunch is next hour." "Yes Professor."


Draco snuck into Gryffindor tower after Hermione. He followed her up the narrow staircase and really didn't like how the tower was structured.
Hermione opened a door and Draco followed her right in.

"Harry. Harry! You need to wake up it's lunch and you've missed half of your classes!" Hermione moved the curtains but Harry wasn't there.
Draco saw the ruby eyes he knows by the dark lord. Without thinking he ran when the figure advanced. Thankfully he slid to be hidden by Seamus and Neville's beds.

Hermione soon left seeing Harry wasn't there.. or so she thought.
Draco let out a groan and threw Harry off of him. Before he could explode about how reckless that was of Harry, he noticed the Potters condition.

Harry's breathing was quick paced with rosy cheeks and watery eyes. His eyes were uncontrollably red and his fangs were no different.
A wave of warmth and comfort flooded over Draco's body but it only seemed to make Harry's condition worse.

Before Draco could even try and ask what was happening, a dark figure appeared behind Harry. Draco was frozen when he noticed it was his dark lord.
Though Tom didn't seem to care about him and covered Harry's eyes. They were gone in a moment.


"Harry." Harry looked up. Tom went to touch his cheek but Harry flinch. 'This is the first heat he's had, I'm not surprised he's scared' Tom grabbed Harry's hand and apparated to his room.

"Ah!" "Shh." Tom threw the fake glasses Harry wore to the side and tangled their fingers together.
Harry whimpered and whined. His toes curled as he moved to get rid of the pain. He squeezed and released Toms hands with his eyes starting to swirl back to emerald.
His fangs received the longer Tom helped. The tie in Harry's hair slowly went loose until his shoulder length hair was free but trapped between the pillow and him.


Harry moved at the feeling of someone's fingers going over his body.
"Harry." "Mm." He opened his eyes and looked back to see Tom. Tom planted his lips on top of Harry's forehead before grabbing his hand.
"Do you feel alright?" Harry stared at Tom in confusion and he smirked. "You had your first heat... though I can compliment you on how well you handled it." Harry flushed and hid in one of the pillows. Tom smirked. "Though I think it was more amusing for me." "What does that mean?" Harry looked at him. "Well how do you think your able to think straight when both of us are naked?"

Harry's eyes widened in realization and he accidentally fell out of the bed. Tom smirked.
"That was quiet a reaction." Harry peeked over the bed and Tom waved him over. Being embarrassed and all, Harry crawled under the sheets before going to Tom. "I hope you know I've seen it all." "Doesn't mean anything." Harry looked away, still flustered.

Tom being the arse he is and finding this extremely amusing, leaned toward Harry's ear to tease him.
"That's not what I heard a few hours ago." He watched as Harry's shoulders turned red and chuckled when Harry tried to hide under a pillow. "You seemed to love my help, what's so different now?" "Everything!" He chuckled again.

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