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Narcissa shook her head as Harry flung his arms over his face, trying to hide the tears as she did her monthly check on the baby.

"The babies perfectly fine my lord, Harry is only reacting this way because the baby's a submissive like him."

Tom sighed, brushing his hand through Harry's hair again. Harry whimpered.
Narcissa pulled Harry's shirt down.

"I recommend Harry stay on bed rest until the baby is born, it'll help both of them."

Harry sniffled as Tom excused Narcissa.
Tom pulled Harry's arms down when the door shut and wiped the droplets of tears, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Take the baby Tom."
A smile cracked his lips but he shook his head and kissed Harry's forehead.
"Only a little more love. When the baby is born everything will go back to normal."
"But we don't have a doctor and-and-"
Tom stopped Harry by placing a finger to his own lips.
"I have it all under control darling. Don't worry about such things."
"What if it isn't just because of the baby being a submissive? What if- w-what if I did something? What if-"
"Darling stop it. You have taken it extremely easy on your pregnancy and haven't even tried to eat anything you usually sneak."

Harry pouted at Toms reminder about the sweets he's had to forfeit for their child.
Tom rubbed his pink cheek.
He frowned and felt Harry's heated forehead.

"For now, instead of worrying about what you haven't done-" Harry gave him a look. "you try to sleep."
"Why? You have work to do and don't want to leave me here conscious?"

Tom sighed and got under the covers with his mate. He hugged him from behind.

"I'll stay until you fall asleep love. But yes I do have work."
Harry huffed, moving to get comfortable with his baby bum and Toms tight hold.

"Next time —if there shall be a next time, you are carrying the child."
"Of course there will be another child." Tom scoffed at Harry's words.
"... yeah but this pregnancy.. it's not like what other mothers-"
"You're a bitten vampire love. You were not born one so of course it's hard carrying a half-blooded vampire."
Harry frowned and sighed. "It just scares me."
Tom began to comb Harry's hair with his fingers again.
"We're not trying for a child right away love. They'll be at least a few years apart."
"Yeah 'cause you can control that." Harry complained. "This baby wasn't even planned."
"But the next one will be." Tom promised though he knew he wouldn't be able to control that.

Harry sighed and snuggled further into Tom.

"This is why I said we should start using condoms."
"Before or after that friend of yours tried to ruin us?" He teased.
"She is not my friend." Harry snarled.
"Oh yes I forgot."

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