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Hermione tried to grip Harry's hand for comfort. She may have a strong face on but she was terrified. She, Hermione Granger, a mudblood, was going into the den of the death eaters and didn't even know where that was.
Where was Harry taking her... and why was Draco coming?

Harry quickly dodged the touch but grabbed her shoulder, apparating away with Draco not far behind.

They appeared in a dark study. Five people sat on the furniture around a polished coffee table with the chair behind the dark wooden desk, turned to face away from them.

Hermione instantly recognized Lucius Malfoy. Harry let go of her shoulder as Draco sat beside his mother.

"Hermione these are the death eaters, Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan. They will be the people you mainly associate with."
"So Malfoys not a death eater?"
"No." Harry lied with a wave of his hand at Draco.

Narcissa shook her head, Harry was just trying to piss her son off while he could get away with it.

"Oh and than there's-"
"Harry it's too soon to introduce her to him." Rabastan spoke.
Harry bit his lip. "You're probably right."
"Who?" Hermione questioned.
"No one important." Harry waved a hand.
"No, if there's someone else, I'd like to meet them."

'She's terrible at this'

Harry took a long pause and sighed.
"It's not my fault if he kills you."
A pit entered Hermiones stomach.
"Hermione meet the leader, Lord Voldemort."

She was speechless as Tom turned in the chair. He was nothing she would've ever imagined.
Lord Voldemort was actually attractive.. and, hot.
She shook her head inwardly at the thoughts. This was her first mission, she couldn't blow it by thinking the enemy was hot.

Tom seemed to smirk and Harry furrowed his eyebrows. He crossed his arms and Tom raised an eyebrow.

"You're supposed to bow." Harry murmured.
"You bow to the leader."

"It's fine, we'll have her learn manners later."
Harry scoffed and sat down. Draco smirked in amusement and leaned over.
"Don't tell me your jealous."
"That Tom smirked when she thought he was hot and let her off when he tried to kill me before mating me.. of course not."
Narcissa shook her head. "This was your plan."
"Doesn't mean he has to be nicer to her than us."
Harry looked away stubbornly and slouched.
"Oh dear." Narcissa sighed.

Draco only found it amusing. Before Harry was put in Azkaban he never seemed jealous or to even care if his friends did something without him. But here he is upset the dark lord was so much as smirking at someone else thinking he was hot.
How different Harry truly was.

Hermione soon sat beside Harry and he leaned his chin on his palm. Hermione looked at him confused.
Why wasn't he happy or even looking at her? She was finally with him in something just like before he was put in Azkaban.

Tom sat in the free chair beside Lucius and looked at Hermione though glanced at Harry in confusion.
Was his snake mad? But why, it's not like he had done anything.

Tom brushed off his thoughts and continued. Mainly stating the rules and who is apart of what -most of it not being true-.

Soon it was night and one of the Malfoy house elves appeared between Tom and Lucius.

"Dinner is ready for master and masters friends."
"Set another plate out." Tom ordered.

That caught Harry's attention with the elf leaving in a bow. Another what? Was Tom actually having Hermione stay over?
He clenched his already closed fist.
If he was than Tom can forget about laying in bed together.

He turned to Hermione for the first time in those long hours.

"I'll be sitting beside Rabastan so you can sit beside the dark lord."

Tom looked at Harry absolutely confused yet angered. Harry always sat beside him and now he's giving up his seat to the "new recruit"?
What the fuck was his snake thinking?

Harry stood and walked out with Draco and Bellatrix following after. Narcissa led Hermione out with the Lestrange twins following and Lucius waiting for the dark lord, to lock his study.

"You don't trust your dear mate that much to give away your seat?"
Harry crossed his arms. "If he wants to fancy her I see no reason why she shouldn't sit beside him."
"Potter you do know this was your idea."
"Yeah so Dumbledore wouldn't suspect anything like Tom wants and just because we're tricking her, doesn't mean he needs to treat her like she's worth more than a slug."

Draco didn't say anymore. He and Harry are both held to secrecy about being death eaters and being in any of this. That was true though Harry was only using it as an excuse.
Even if they were treating Hermione the same way they were treated, Harry would still get defensive and jealous if Tom so much as looked at Hermione in a way.
Harry was just a possessive person much like Tom and that's whats creating this conflict. Harry plays a petty game than Tom gets mad and soon both will end up yelling at one another.

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