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Harry hummed at the feeling of someone's hand running through his hair and feeling his sides. He knew who it was but still turned around, looking tired with little slits for his opened eyes.
Tom only shook his head and connected their lips. 

"Darling it's time to wake up."
Harry hummed, running his hand down Toms cheek. "Five more minutes... you wore me out."
Tom grabbed Harry's hand and kissed the back of it. "Darling it's 10."
"And still too early."
"Yes well the others will get suspicious if we don't go down soon."
"Than you go, let your pregnant mate sleep in after you fucked them till dawn." Harry yawned in the middle of his sentence, snuggling back into his pillow.
"Well I don't want to be away from you or my child."
"Than take your child."

Harry hugged the pillow, completely submitting to sleep. Tom looked at his sleeping submissive annoyed and got out of the bed.
He put on some clothes and walked to Harry's side, also putting him in clothes and lifting him up.
Harry whined in protest but flung his arms around Toms neck, falling back to his sweet dreams quickly and easily.

Tom apparated to the living room and the inner circle bowed their heads. Tom sat down with Harry on his lap and Draco raised an amused eyebrow.

"Is there something you'd like to say Draco?"
Draco only glanced toward Toms eyes before looking away.
"No. I just noticed how Potter isn't moving."
"He's asleep if that gives you reassurance."

Draco cleared his throat and looked at his mother from Toms threatening tone if he dared to ask more questions.

"Did you know Harry was pregnant?"
Many of the inner circle death eaters looked shocked yet amazed and awe struck Harry was pregnant while Draco seemed nervous to answer.
"Yes... but nothing happened when I found out with Potter."
Tom looked down at Harry.
"What did you do when you found out?"
Draco shifted at the memories. "I only helped Potter hide it."
"From Dumbledore?"

Draco could tell Tom wasn't buying his replaced answers instead of the exact truth he never wanted to admit or tell his lord.
Tom would be absolutely pissed Draco took ownership of his child for a short time and Draco knew that... so did Harry and that's most likely why he hasn't said anything about the time they were away to Tom.

"Yeah.. it wasn't as easy as we thought though."
"If I find out you are lying to me, I do not want to hear Harry begging for you."
Draco gulped. "O-of course my lord."

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