Forehead Bruises

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"Argh! WHAT!?"

"It's okay Light-kun, if you 𝒅𝒐 bruise it will be concealed behind that perfectly convenient; kept hair of yours"

Light rubbed his forehead, wincing at the pain. He'd woken up quite literally two seconds ago, and was only just registering the sight before him.
L was on all fours, hands and knees constricting Light like a bony prison. The detective's forehead was an inch from the boys', L's odd face staring into his own expectantly.

"Ryuzaki...Did you REALLY just head butt me? ME? NOW? 𝒘𝒉𝒚?"

"No. In actuality Light-kun was the one that head butted 𝒎𝒆."

Light tried to comprehend L's unorthodox perspective on everything - it's something he'd have to get used to. It interested Light in some instances, but times such as this, it was exhausting to no end.

"It is not my fault you sat up so suddenly. I assumed people came to...𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 after their slumber. It's unsettling the way Light-Kun's eyes fly open as he sits up all humans behave in this manner?"

L had not yet moved from his position, and if Light hadn't known better, he'd assume L was about to eat him, the way he loomed over Light like a strange predator of sorts. That would have to change....
In a swift movement, Light kneed the detective in his abdomen, grabbing L's arms he completely switched their positions, the chain jingled noisily. Now Light was in control again and a determined grin crept its way onto the boy's face before he quickly subdued it.
L (now in a rather compromised position) fidgeted uncomfortably. Perhaps now the detective couldn't clutch his knees like a freak, he would actually see reason.

"You made your Kira face again Light-kun...another 2%"

Light almost laughed at the mere ridiculousness, L was wasting time accusing an innocent man of a free killer's crimes. Some detective.

"If you want to discuss about creeping over someone on all fours without their consent!?"

Light gritted his teeth, he never thought the only person he could actually have a riveting conversation with, was also the one he'd have THIS conversation with. Was it...𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑? As they'd previously established? Whatever 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 sometimes friendly, most of the time exhausting arrangement they had was, there was always a cost.
Light sighed...

"It's 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅 Ryuzaki"

L seemed to almost blink in confusion, though the boy glaring down at him knew it was nothing but. L was like one of those animals that play dead so everyone leaves them alone and assumes they're docile, it is pathetic.

"It's interesting you should call what I did weird and unsettling Light-kun"

At this statement Lights expression completely left him, he'd already put the pieces together and knew what L was going to come out and say...

"Because from where I am, Light-kun is mimicking that same position he thinks is strange. Does that mean that Light-kun is a hypocrite? Or perhaps he just hasn't thought that far ahead"

Light's pride was too strong for the string of obscenities that he was ready to spit at L in that moment. If he were to get off of the detective, it would be admitting defeat. Imagining the smug expression L made in victory, all the while sucking his thumb (even more demeaning) made Light's blood boil. But would staying where he is just prove L's point? Light suddenly felt a giddiness about him. L wasn't getting what he wanted at all. Light was on top of HIM, the greatest detective, and L hated that. Light knew he hated that because Light knew Light, and Light knew L, often times the two were more similar than the Kira suspect would care to admit. But in this instance it worked in his favour. The detective was loathing every moment of this, so the young man soaked it in. Asserting dominance over someone supposedly so powerful could actually be rather entertaining, why would he stop now? If he were Kira, in a purely hypothetical conceptualisation, Light could see the appeal of toying with the detective as Kira did so. Playing with your food is surprisingly enjoyable.

Daring to go further, Light leaned down to touch the detective's forehead. Upon impact, feeling the new bruise just made the boy seethe more; restricting L's movement further in effect.

What an entirely uncomfortable comparison.
Playing with your food implies that you intend on eating it eventually...? Did Light have an endgame for L? Or was the one night they spent together enough to drive him to insanity and unfitting metaphors. Surely this would only increase L's suspicions, no wonder L looked calm...bored even? No, this was wrong, Light hated anything immoral or unjust, to trap L in this way was...not Light why couldn't he bring himself to move...?

"It's at 15% now Light-kun. This is an additional 5% from our last unpleasant exchange"

....Ah that's why, Light couldn't believe he'd forgotten so easily that L was THIS utterly inconceivable.

"I CAN count Ryuzaki"

L's facial expression was unreadable at this point. Why was it only him that could make Light feel this irritated and amused all at once? What a nuisance.

"Curious Light-kun...perhaps it would help the task force to know the investigation is over. I've found Kira...he's on top of me"

Was Light starting to feel embarrassed? Nope, no, never him. L was just implementing his usual mind games, but he forgets, it's Light Yagami on top of him, not just some kid....and then reality in the form of his current view, successfully soaked behind the boy's eyes to penetrate his brain more successfully. Light was on top of L, what was he doing? This scenario is ridiculous.

Light's demeanour calmed down considerably, playing the unusual behaviour off with a chuckle, following a nonchalant shoulder shrug.
Removing his body from atop his captive, the boy exclaimed...

"Seems like nothing can get through to you, I hope you know now how tedious your behaviour can be Ryuzaki"

Part of him knew L could see through this but having no solid proof he didn't care. Light was just flabbergasted he'd gone through with such a petty act of rage for so long, L didn't want the average boy working on the investigation, he wanted the clever, composed, respectable Light Yagami. It almost made him feel ashamed...almost.

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