What Will Happen?

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"Your face is so red now Ryuzaki"

The two boys sat opposite one another on the bathroom floor. The detective had placed himself snug between Light's bent legs that lay outstretched either side of him. L's 𝒐𝒘𝒏, wrapped tightly around the boy's waist - their bodies forming a comfortingly secure knot of difficult escapability.
The detective watched Light's eyes intently; watched his frown, as he stared in concentration. A left palm rested atop L's head, holding hair out of the way, as his right hand gently caressed a ball of cotton over irritated skin. It was wet, and cold. Light had used many of these things, drenching them with clear liquid, and replacing them when they turned too orange and black. Makeup was messy; it looked ugly when reduced to several different stains. But it lessened the detective's discomfort. It was cooling; it soothed him, and looking into Light's eyes from such a close distance was an engrossing subject that made him sigh. Sometimes L would forget to blink—not that he did much of that anyway. But he could tell when it happened, because he would see his suspect blink multiple times, before even 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆 shutting his own eyes to it. Each reflex of closing lids, agitated the detective; it wiggled his toes. Reason being that, for a fraction of a second, coffee-coloured puddles of reflection couldn't be seen. L was addicted to caffeine, just like he was addicted to Light's brain. And beyond these opaque waters of mystery, lied every significant answer stored in that head of his. Searching irises was the closest L got to infiltrating his attractive mind.

"You're being very well-behaved, I didn't think you'd stay put for this long"

It hadn't actually been very long. Light must've had little faith in the detective's obedience. Though, L suspected he 𝒉𝒂𝒅 been dragging out the task.

"Time flies with an engaging view"

The boy smirked at that, directly into L's eyes this time. Light's attentiveness had been focused on skin, seeing 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 eyes, rather than 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 them. But now he welcomed their encompassment, with an absorbed gaze of his own.

"𝑻𝒐𝒐 fast...Why 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 do you think I've been purposefully taking my time?...I like looking at you.."

The detective's expression was unchanging, but his gaze moved briefly to admire Light's mouth. It wasn't subtle, not for 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 large eyes. L must've favoured the boy's complimentary words.

"Do you want to kiss for a short while Ryuzaki?"

L was silent, and he nodded. Light placed down his things next to him, then the two shuffled on the floor, edging just the tiniest bit closer, as L undid the buttons of the boy's shirt hastily - just so the detective wasn't restricted by a wall of fabric when touching his body. Light smiled into a single chuckle of amusement, rolling eyes at the sight of L's promptitude.
As they kissed, and pale palms roamed the softness of Light's skin, the boy was gentle; he cupped L's face between two hands, guiding it to his own. It was strange, the more the detective thought about it, was this the first time Light had purposefully put aside time to do this? He possibly felt bad, being so eager to torment his friend with Misa's antics. It didn't matter now though, because all concern of a world outside their apartment door, faded into nothing.

After some time, they parted ways so the boy could continue with his elaborate healing ritual.

"Hang on...I accidentally left it up here"

Not wanting to break the entanglement of legs, Light stretched difficulty behind him, fumbling his hand blindly on the countertop - barely in his reach. It was a circular container, and when the boy opened it, there was a thick, creamy substance. It looked like the texture of cake mixture, but it smelled woody and was mint green.

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