We're not your family any more pt 1 (NR)

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I had been a part of the Avengers for a little over a year now. Tony had taken me in after they saved me from a Hydra base. For 7 years I had been held captive, tortured and experimented on. Their "special" serum causing me to develop powers which Tony believed would be a benefit to the team.

At the beginning the team were sceptical of me and it took me a few months to be able to fully gain their trust and prove that I wasn't a Hydra double agent. But eventually one by one I built great relationships with them all. Especially Natasha who, for the last 4 months, I've been dating.

It's been amazing and I never thought I would feel happiness again like I do. With Nat I feel safe and loved and, although it's still early, I'm sure that she is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Between Nat and Wanda, my best friend, they helped me be able to control my powers of telekinesis and control of the elements. Within no time I was able to use my powers effectively on missions that I was sent on.

Today I was being sent on a mission with the support of two SHEILD agents. Agents Patterson and Holbrook. I was packing my bag when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and smelt the familiar scent of gorgeous girlfriend.

"When do you leave?" Nat asked whilst planting soft kisses between my shoulder blades. "As soon as I'm packed, the Quinjet is waiting for me." I turned in her arms so I was facing her and kissed her forehead. She hummed gently as she pulled me in to a tight hug whilst resting her head on my chest.

I loved this, although Nat has this tough exterior, she was never anything but loving and caring to me. Don't get me wrong I know that she would kick my ass if she needed to, but it meant so much to me that she felt safe to be vulnerable around me.

As much as it pained me, I pulled away and looked into her piercing green eyes. "Be careful and come back to me." She said, moving her hands to me waist. I gently placed my hands of her face and pulled her in to a soft yet passionate kiss. "I love you" I said into the kiss. "I love you too" she smiled, then grabbed my bag in one hand and pulled me towards the door with the other.

I boarded the Quinjet with one last loving kiss from girlfriend and was greeted by the two agents I'd be working with. I hadn't met either of them before but Fury had sent them with me so I trusted his judgement.

The journey was quiet, we went over the mission brief to confirm our roles and settled in for the 4-hour journey to our location. Our mission was simple, download all of the information we could get from the Hydra base and get out. Steve was on comms back at the compound and was on standby if anything went wrong.

The mission started off smoothly, the three of us were able to get into the base with little resistant from the Hydra agents. Something felt wrong, I knew this mission was meant to be simple, but this was too easy. I pushed this uneasy feeling down and carried on until we reached the data room. Whilst Patterson and Holbrook provided cover, I plugged in the USB and began downloading all the information.

"Y/N I need an update, we've just lost the cameras!" Steve stated over comms. Shit I thought. This wasn't going to be good. "We're in the Data lab, just transferring the data now. Steve, something doesn't feel right, we got in here too easily, we need......." I suddenly felt a burning pain in my side, I turned to see Agent Patterson smirking as he pulled his knife out of my side.

"You didn't think Hydra would let you get away with deserting us for the Avengers did you?" Now Agent Holbrook was stood over me as I fell to the floor. I tried to stand up and fight, but I was met by a swift fist to my jaw from Patterson. "Steve..." I called trying to active my comms. "It's no use Y/L/N, he can't hear you anymore." My eyes became heavy and before I could even start to work out a plan I feel into unconsciousness.

Time skip

I started to wake, squinting my eyes as I adjusted to the bright lights. I sat up and lifted my hand to my face, only to notice I was in cuffs. The panic quickly pulled me out of hazy state. I sat up and hissed at the pain in my side. But that was the least of my concerns right now, I recognised this place. I was in the cells back at the Avengers compound.

What's going on, I manage to pull myself to my feet to stand and make my way to the edge of the cell. I feel weak, these cuffs are blocking my powers and I know the longer I'm in them the worse this is going to get.

Whilst I'm in my confused state Steve approaches my cell. "Why did you do it Y/N? Why did you kill them? We trusted you!" Kill who, what is he on about? He looks angry, I've not seen Steve look like this since I first join. "Steve, what are you talking about? I didn't kill anybody!" I tried to stay calm as I could not wanting to aggravate him more. "Don't play dumb Y/N, Patterson and Holbrook, they're dead you killed them. For a year you've been working with us, became friends with us for what, just to betray us!"

Oh god, did I kill them? "Steve, please you have to believe me, they were part of Hydra, Patterson stabbed me in punishment for joining you. I passed out and they were still alive, I swear!" I was getting more desperate now. But things just got worse as I saw Nat stood in the corner of the room observing me. I no longer saw the love in her eyes. She looked betrayed.

She stepped forward into the light. I could feel the warm tears start to fall down my face. "Y/N, there is no point in lying anymore. For a year you've hidden who you really were, you got close to each of us. Did I mean nothing to you?! You've betrayed us!" She shouted the last statements. "Nat, please I love you, I didn't do this, please you have to believe me! You saved me, I was lost and broken but you gave me a chance to do good and have a family." I was nearly sobbing by now. How could she not believe me? "We're not your family anymore." She almost whispered and with that her and Steve turned their back on me and left. 

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