Don't let me down - Part 7

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A/n: Just a reminder that part 6 was published a little while ago but the notification didn't work! Might be worth jumping back to make sure you didn't miss it. 

Scarlett POV:

Sat waiting in the car for Y/n, I can't help but let my mind wonder to how things went with her and Laura this morning at the café. It's clear how much that Y/n likes Laura. I just hope that the feelings are reciprocated, and they can be happy together. It's clear to me that Laura likes Y/n too, but it's hard to convince my daughter that when her mind is going a million miles an hour and her whole life, she's never had things go her way.

I still feel a little guilty that I walked in on them when they were about to kiss. I should have knocked but I didn't think anything of it. I guess you have to embarrass your kids at some point and Y/n has had her first experience of that! All I know is that Laura seems like the perfect person to make Y/n happy. I think she's been her sole source of comfort in the past year and a half.

Y/n seems to have started to settle with us now. She is more comfortable at home and gets on great with her siblings. I love how much Cosmo loves her. My phone is full of photos of the two of them in cute moments.

Rose has loved having an older sister, especially one who takes the time to teach her as many soccer skills as she can. I'm so relieved that Rose has taken to Y/n like she has. After her initial moment with her, I was terrified that she wasn't going to like having Y/n living with us. But I'm lucky that it's all worked out for us.

The relationship Y/n has with Colin has also grown. He loves her like she's his own daughter and I'm grateful that he's allowed me this chance to be the mom that Y/n deserves. Y/n hasn't had the best experience with men, and Colin knows that. He makes sure that he's considerate around her, but also doesn't make a big deal out of it. I'm learning that Y/n is a bit of a goof and that is something Colin has caught onto. Between the two of them they're like children, but I love it!

My own relationship with my daughter is also growing. It's slower than it has been for the others and that hurts me a bit. But I completely understand it. I'm the one that left. I'm the reason that she has ended up in abusive situations. It's something that I'll never forgive myself for. I know I can't make up for it now, but I can do everything I can to make her life as good as it possibly can be.

My eyes are quickly drawn to my daughter, a smile forming on my face. I love being able to do the simple things for her. I never thought I'd get this opportunity. To just be her mom. But here I am, and I know I won't mess up my second chance with her.

That smile only grows wider when I see her hand in hand with Laura. The both of them laughing with the group of friends around them. They say goodbye to the group and Y/n walks Laura over to her car. Laura turns to face Y/n, taking both of her hands in her own. She says something that clearly makes Y/n a little shy so she places her fingers under her chin and lifts her head to meet her eyes. There's a pause before she leans in, and they share a kiss.

It takes everything in me to not cheer out loud to see that they are clearly together now. But then I remember that I'm currently being a creep sat in the car park watching my daughter with her new girlfriend.

After a moment, they say goodbye to each other with another kiss, Y/n holding the car door open for Laura so she can get in. She waves as Laura drives away and turns around clearly looking for me. A wide smile on her face. She spots my car and gives me a quick wave before making her way towards the car.

She slips into the front seat, and I turn to greet her. "Hey honey. How was school?" I ask her, fighting off the desire to ask about her and Laura. As much as I want to know, it's for her to bring it up when she's comfortable. "It was really good. I got an A on the calculus test we had last week." She tells me proudly. "That's great Y/n. I'm proud of you." I respond to her, and I watch as her face lights up. "Really?" She asks and I nod. "Of course. I would be proud of you regardless of your grade. But I know how much you had studied for that test." I reply and she sits back in her seat with a content smile.

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