Don't let me down - part 2

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Y/n's POV:

"Scarlett, I don't know." I admit, dropping my head. This is all too much right now. In the last three hours everything in my life has turned completely upside down. I've met my biological mom, the truth behind the abuse we've suffered at the hands of Mr Woodstock has come out, and now we're all being moving to new homes. In my case, my biological mother's home.

"We met less than three hours ago. We were meant to be getting to know each other first. Now I'm meant to just move in with you and your family." I say, trying to keep my breathing calm, but not succeeding. Scarlett carefully steps forward and places a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, look at me. Can you take a couple of deep breaths for me?" She asks quietly. She takes exaggerated breaths herself and I try to match her, which is difficult when I can see the stare of Colin and Danny on me.

"There you go. You're doing such a good job." She compliments me when I manage to get my breathing back under control. She gives me a small smile and steps back slightly to give me space again, something that I'm grateful for. "I know this is all a lot to take in right now. But we can still get to know each other. We won't rush anything. But I meant what I said.  We would like to adopt you. I'm aware that I can't make up for the decision I made 16 years ago, especially considering the impact it's had on your life. But I'd like to try and make up for it now and make sure that you are safe and happy." She explains to me. I look at her face, trying to see if there is a lie in there, but when I can't find one, I let out a sigh.

My mind is torn. On one side, I  don't know what I want when it comes to my relationship with Scarlett. We were supposed to get time to do this the right way. Spend some time together, know more about the other. This is all so rushed and what if she spends time with me and doesn't like me? I'll be back to where I am now, waiting for my next home.

But on the other hand, I don't know what would happen to me if I'm moved to another group home this evening. Would I stay there, would it just be temporary. What if they're no better than Mr Woodstock? At least with Scarlett I'd be safe right? Almost as if he can sense my turmoil, Danny steps forward now and gains my attention.

I like Danny, for some reason I feel completely safe around him. He has kind eyes and I get the idea that he's a person that spends his time helping others. "Your placement with Scarlett is just for a couple days until we can get their foster status assessed by a judge on Monday. I know that's not long to establish a relationship between you both, but I can see you're a smart girl. You've spent your life having to act older than you are. You'll know in that time if it's somewhere you feel safe and if you want to continue living there if they get their foster status approved." He explains calmly, though I can see Scarlett glaring daggers at him for even suggesting it. Which makes me fight to hide a giggle.

"She's glaring at me, isn't she?" He asks at a whisper, a smirk on his face. I nod, laughing, which takes Scarlett by surprise. "You've got my number, if you ever feel uncomfortable, you call me, and I'll be there." He offers, returning back to the serious discussion. "Ok, we'll see how things go this weekend." I say, sighing as my brain isn't sure if this is the right decision. But by the looks on Scarlett's face she couldn't be happier.

"Why don't we go and collect your things from your room. Then you can head off." Danny suggests, pointing towards the house. I nod and lead them on the way. As we're climbing the stairs, I can see that Scarlett and Colin are looking around. It's not the nicest of places. It's run down and there are too many kids that are living here for the space there is.

I direct them to the room that I share with 4 other girls. "I don't have much." I mumble as I point to my bed. "That's ok, do you have any bags?" Scarlett asks, her eyes glossy as they look over the room. "Uh, everything I have is in that box and I have some clothes in the wardrobe which I can fit in my duffle." I explain. "Ok, well, you point out what you want to take, and we can pack it up. Colin, can you take the box?" Scarlett directs, taking control.

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