Don't let me down - Part 8

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Y/n's POV:

They're just normal people. It's what I've been telling myself for the last hour as I hide away in my room. Lizzie and Chris are coming over today and I'm really nervous. It's the one thing I've struggled with most since moving in with Scarlett. There are so many people that I need to be introduced to. Though I am grateful that she's not hiding me. She actively wants me to meet her family and friends. It shows that she really does want this.

Since moving in with Scarlett, I've gradually gotten more comfortable. My trust in her and Colin has grown so much. That pain I feel of being left, is slowly starting to fade away. Don't get me wrong, it's still there and I know there is still work in trusting Scarlett fully, but she has been doing all the right things. For the first time ever, I feel safe. I'm not waiting for her to snap and hurt me. This must be the normal childhood that people talk about!

The only thing with meeting Scarlett's friends, is that most of them are famous. It's very intimidating to be meeting people that you know are movie stars. Add the pressure of wanting to make a good impression, it's making my nerves become a little overwhelming.

"Sweetie, are you ready? They'll be here any minute." Scarlett asks me through my door. "I uh. Yeah. Just a minute." I respond, knowing that I can't hide away for much longer. "Ok, I'll be downstairs. Remember, this is all on your terms, if you're not comfortable, we can call it off and do it another day." She reminds me. Just like she has the last few days. But it would be rude to call it off now when they're almost here.

I grab my phone, hoping something might distract me there. Turns out I get my wish when I see a text from Laura waiting for me. A smile instantly creeps on my face as I open it up.

Laura ❤️
Have an amazing time today. Just be yourself and they are going to love you. I can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow. xxx

Seeing those words, gives me the confidence that I need. I quickly shoot her a text back and slip my phone into my back pocket. Taking a deep breath, I open my door and make my way downstairs where I can hear Rose excitedly greeting someone. As I round the corner, I see Rose hugging Lizzie tightly, whilst Chris is greeting Scarlett and Colin.

"Oh, you're here." Scarlett smiles widely when she sees me. "Sorry I wasn't here straight away." I apologise, but Scarlett waves me off. "No need to apologise. Now come meeting Lizzie and Chris." She says, taking my hand and pulling me towards the group. "Lizzie, Chris. This is my daughter Y/n." She introduces me with a proud smile on her face. Her hand let's go of mine and she moves it to rest on my back, providing me a comfort I didn't know I needed.

"Y/n, it's nice to finally meet you." Lizzie greets me once Rose let's her go. I can tell that she's unsure whether to hug me or not. I'm assuming Scarlett has mentioned a bit about my history and she's doesn't want to make me uncomfortable. Which I appreciate. "Wow you really do look like Scarlett." She whispers as she gets a good look at me. "Thankfully, you've been blessed with height." Chris jokes, earning a jab in the ribs from Scarlett. "What? It's the truth." He defends whilst holding his hand out to me. "It really is lovely to get to meet you." Chris says genuinely.

I take his hand easily and give it a firm shake. "Well, let's not stand in the hallway. You all get comfortable, and I'll get us all some drinks." Colin instructs with a clap of his hands. Rose takes Lizzie's hand and tugs her in the direction of the living room whilst Chris follows behind Scarlett and me.

We take up our seats on the sofa. Rose decides she wants to sit with Lizzie and Chris whilst I sit on the sofa with Scarlett. Cosmo is happily napping in his rocker next to me and I smile down at his cuteness. Rose takes the lead in socialising with our guests as she fills them in on everything that has happened recently. I'm grateful for it as it gives me a chance to relax and find my confidence.

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