I will always be here for you - NR

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You were stood waiting for the Quinjet to land, anxiously tapping your foot. Your girlfriend was returning from a mission, something you were usually excited for. But today, Fury had informed you that the mission, although was a success, had not run smoothly.

You watched as the jet landed and greeted Steve and Bucky as they walked towards the compound. They looked jaded and tired. You pulled them both into a hug and welcomed them home. "She's going to need you." Was all that Steve said in return. You nodded your head, understanding that Nat was struggling.

Making your way onto the Quinjet, you see Nat sitting staring at the floor. You observe that she has cuts and bruises over her face and arms. Worry beings to grown inside. You know she's not seriously hurt as Steve and Bucky would have called for the medical team. But it wasn't the physical wounds you were worried about.

Carefully, you approached your girlfriend, so not to scare her. You bent down in front of her and placed your hands on her knees. She didn't look up or acknowledge that you were there. You knew she wasn't ok, so you simply placed your hand on her cheek and carefully rubbed your thumb over her bruised cheek bone.

The touch made Nat look up towards you and you gave a small smile and placed a small kiss on her forehead. You had only seen Nat like this twice before in the 3 years that you had known her. She was vulnerable and didn't know how to deal with it.

After a few minutes of silence consisting of your comforting Nat, you eventually spoke up. "Let's get you inside." You stood up and held out your hand for her to take. She hesitated for a while but eventually grasped your hand. You helped her to stand and intertwined your fingers, guiding her up to your shared room.

Nat's head stayed focus on the floor as you walked. Once you were in your room, you took her towards your bed encouraging her to sit down. To give her time to adjust, you unpacked her mission bag. Putting her dirty clothes in the laundry basket and putting away her other items.

Nat watched as you moved around the room, appreciative of what you were doing. You were the only person that knew how to look after Nat when she was in this state. She was grateful that you didn't push her to talk and gave her the space she needed to decompartmentalise.

Once you had finished tidying all the bits away you took a seat next to Nat and placed a hand on her back. "Would you like to eat first or get cleaned up?" You asked softly, rubbing random shapes the base of her neck, helping her to calm down.

"Shower please." Nat responded just above a whisper. You nodded and led her to the bathroom. You helped to undress she and lifted her onto the bathroom counter. Your worried eyes ran over her body, noticing further cuts and bruises. None of the wounds were deep enough to need stitches so you decide to get her in the shower first.

You place another kiss on her forehead and turn towards the shower, turning the water on. You wait until the water is the temperature that Nat likes. You collect a towel and some clothes for Nat to change into and place them on the toilet seat.

Nat is now looking up at you and she gives you a small smile. "Will you come in with me?" Nat nervously asked but keeping eye contact. Your heart melts at the request. "Of course, my love." You undress and guide Nat into the shower. She flinches slightly as the water touches her cuts.

You start off by taking a flannel and gently cleaning the dirt and mud off of her, making sure that her cuts are clean. Every wince Nat makes, fills you with guilt. "I'm sorry baby." You mumble as you finish cleaning the last one. Grabbing the shampoo, you help her to clean her hair, the motion of you scrubbing her scalp helps to relax Nat.

Once you're done in the shower you get out first and grab a towel and help dry Nat off. "Get changed into your shorts and bra and I'll put some anti-septic on those cuts. Ok." You say whilst handing over the clothes to Nat. Once she starts changing, you dry yourself off and throw on some sweatpants and a tank top.

Nat is waiting for you, sat back up on the countertop. You rummage around the bathroom cabinet and pull out the first aid kit. Getting out everything you need, you take Nat's hand in your own. "This is probably going to sting a bit, but I promise I'll be quick." You say placing kisses over her knuckles. She nods and you grab the cotton wool and anti-septic to get started.

You start with the cuts on her torso, being gentle to stop it hurting too much, but also thorough enough that you've cleaned them properly. As you work, you can feel Nat's eye's watching your every move.

She observes your concentrated face which has your brows furrowed. She smiles slightly at the view of your tongue poking out the side of your mouth, help you to focus. Once done, you move to the cuts on her cheek and forehead.

"There. All finished." You say giving Nat a smile that she happily returns. "Thanks Dekta (baby)" She responds, rubbing her own thumb on your cheek. It makes you happy that she is slowly opening back up. For a couple of minutes, you stand between her legs, keep eye contact and lightly rubbing your hand on her thigh.

Eventually you pull your eyes away and grab a shirt for Nat to put on. "Do you want something to eat?" You ask. "Yes please." Nat replied. "Ok, I'll go and make you something real quick and I'll bring it back in ok." You turn to leave but are pulled back to Nat. "Please stay." She whispers.

You embrace her tightly and tap her thighs indicating to her that you're going to lift her. You walk into the bedroom and place her on the bed. "Do you want to come with me?" You ask, which Nat shakes her head pulling your closer to her. "Then I need to go love. I can't cook for you from here." You giggle. Nat sighs but knows you're right.

She lets you go, and you quickly rush to leave the room. But before you get out of the door you turn on your heel and run back towards Nat, giving her a quick peck on the lips. It causes Nat to giggle, a sound that warms your heart. "I'll be back" you say in a terrible Arnold Schwarzenegger making Nat laugh loudly.

You quickly throw together some pancakes. Knowing that Nat wouldn't want to eat a lot. You grab the syrup, sugar and fruit you've cut up and carry it up to your room on a tray.

When you open the door, you are greeted by Nat sat up in bed against the headboard. Your reappearance bringing a smile to her face. "Here you go babe." You say, placing the tray on her lap. "Thanks. It smells amazing." She quickly starts tucking in, feeding you fruit every now and then. Sometimes not giving you a choice as a strawberry is smushed against your lips.

It's a relaxed atmosphere and you can see that Nat is more comfortable now. Her confidence coming back slowly. You simply sit and admire her whilst she finishes off her food. There is no one in this world that you love as much as Nat. You have a bond that you've never experienced before. You would walk to the moon and back if she asked.

Nat felt the same. The way you had treated her with such kindness and compassion today, made her love for you grow that it almost hurt. You were the only person she felt she could be vulnerable with. You never judged her and always knew what she needed, even when Nat herself didn't.

Once she's finished the pancakes you take the tray and place it on your desk. You turn off the main lights, leaving the only light source to come from the side light by Nat.

You crawl into bed and open your arms, allowing Nat to crawl in and snuggle into you. On most occasions it was you who would be the little spoon and be held by Nat. But tonight, you pulled her close whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Nat felt safe in your arms. The trauma of the mission starting to lift off her mind.

She nuzzled closely into your neck and places soft kisses against it. "Thank you for this evening moya lyubov (my love). What did I do to deserve you?" She spoke calmly but passionately to you. "You don't have to thank me. I do this because I care, and I want you to be safe and happy. I love you more than you'll ever know." You say sweetly whilst running your hand through her hair.

"I love you so much Y/n that it hurts. You are my world, my light and my safe place. There is nowhere I would rather be than right here in your arms." Nat speaks with such sincerity. She lifts her head and pulls you into a soft and loving kiss. You smile and stare into her green eyes, speaking softly, "I will always be here for you, my love. Forever and always." 

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