We're not your family any more pt 2 (NR)

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Y/N's POV:

How could this happen, how could they not believe me or even give me a chance to explain everything? I slid to the floor and brought my knees to my chest as I sobbed. Everything was falling apart and the people I cared about most had given up on me.

I had no idea how long I had been in this cell now, it must have been at least a week. I was weaker than ever. The cuffs had shut off my powers and it was slowly killing me. With no way to use my powers, the serum Hydra had injected me with was poisoning my blood.

No one had come to see me and I had no chance to try and put my case across again. An unknown agent would come down with my food twice a day, but I had no appetite anymore. I had no desire to carry on when the people I love had given up on me. I just sat in the corner of my cell waiting for the inevitable to happen.

A few days passed and I could barely keep myself conscious anymore. I was finding it harder to tell what was real and what I was hallucinating. I knew it was only a matter of hours until I succumbed to my permanent slumber. I was ready now. I just wanted to shut my eyes and for all of this to end. The pain I felt at losing the only family I ever had was too much, I had nothing to hold on for anymore.

I spent this time trying to remember the happy moments in my life. My first date with Nat, the first time I could control my powers with Wanda, and the team movies nights where everything just felt normal. With that I felt a pain in my heart, knowing that they no longer saw me as family. Nat's love had disappeared, and I was the enemy to them now, an inconvenience for all them all. I was ending my life how I had started it, alone. Silent tears fell down my cheeks and I fell into unconsciousness.

Nat's POV:

"Just let me go and see her! She's my best friend. Let me read her mind and we can find out the truth!" Wanda was pacing around the common room whilst begging me to go and see Y/N for the 3rd time today. "Wanda, you know you're not allowed down there. Fury is right, we don't know what she's capable of, we can't be sure what you would see would even be the truth." I was getting frustrated now. I was tired of having the same argument over again. "That's bullshit and you know it Nat. Y/N never even worked for Hydra, she was held captive, hell I did more damage against you guys than she ever has! Please just let her explain."

"No Wanda, she lied to us for a whole year!" I yelled. I couldn't understand how she was still trying to defend Y/N. "If she was a double agent don't you think she would have been trying to do more damage than just kill two random agents? How many opportunities did she have to kill one of us?! I thought you of all people would have given her a chance to talk, to let her explain!" This angered me, Y/N had lied to me, made me fall in love with her for it all to be fake. But that last comment hit me harder than I thought. I did just walk away, for a moment when I stood in her cell I thought I saw fear in Y/N's eyes. But she was with Hydra for 7 years, she easily would have been able to manipulate us.

I was hurt, I really love Y/N. I had felt so comfortable when I was with her. She had never judged my past and supported me through my nightmares and when missions went wrong. She never hesitated to drop everything if I needed her. She was my everything even though we had only been together for 4 months. This betrayal hurt more than I could have imagined.

Before I got lost in my thoughts Steve walked in and broke my trance. "We've managed to get the camera footage from the Hydra base." I took a shaky breath as I followed Steve and Wanda to the meeting room. I don't think I'm prepared to watch the love of my life take those agents' lives.

Third person POV:

The whole team sat around the table as Tony started to play the footage. Tension filled the room as the truth started to unfold.

Y/N, Agent Patterson and Holbrook entered the Data room and Y/N runs straight to the main computer to start downloading the data. After a few minutes Y/N responded to Steve's comms update "We're in the Data lab, just transferring the data now. Steve, something doesn't feel right, we got in here too easily, we need......." And in that moment Agent Patterson sunk a blade into Y/N's stomach.

"You didn't think Hydra would let you get away with deserting us for the Avengers did you?" Patterson snarled to Y/N as she fell to the floor. Y/N tried to stand up and fight, but she was met by a swift fist to her jaw knocking her back on the floor. Y/N called out "Steve..." before Agent Holbrook snarked. "It's no use Y/L/N, he can't hear you anymore."

A gasp filled the meeting room. Nat looked over and locked eyes with Steve, guilt evident across both of their faces. But there was still one question unanswered, what happened to the two agents?

As Y/N collapsed to the floor, another man walked into the room and addressed Patterson and Holbrook. "You've done well, but your mission is not over." As he spoke he raised his weapon and shot both of the agents. Holbrook dropped to the floor dead whilst Patterson tried to steady himself. "B-but why?!" Patterson asked as he gripped the wound in his stomach. "Killing Y/N is an easy way out for her. She deserves to suffer for all she has done against Hydra. I want the Avengers to hate her, for her to watch the love of her life disown her. She'll be heartbroken whilst she dies slowly, in pain, losing everything she's every loved." The mysterious man let out an evil cackle as he placed the gun in Y/N hand and walked away. 

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