Love is for Children pt 2 - (NR)

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Nat's POV:

It's been 4 months since Y/N has left. The compound feels empty without her. I was such an idiot for ever letting her go. In truth I was just scared, scared of getting hurt so I hid behind my stupid beliefs from the Red Room.

I will never forget the look on her face when I told her I didn't love her anymore or the day in the gym where she had punched herself into a frenzy unable to stop. Her knuckles bloodied and bruised. The way she tore her arm away from me believing I wasn't concerned for her.

These last months have been hard, the whole team is feeling her loss. She was such a happy person to be around. She would enter a room and everyone would instantly cheer up. She was like our own personal ray of sunshine. Some how Wanda has forgiven me. Her and Y/N were like sisters to each other. I hate that my actions have also caused pain to Wanda.

I have tried to find her. But she's gone off the grid. The only evidence I have of her is the day after she handed in her resignation. Since then, nothing. No credit card uses, no matches on the CCTV facial recognition. She's just vanished and that's what scared me the most. She was that hurt she never wanted to be found.

It was a quiet day in the compound, and I was just about to make my way to training. As I do every day, I pass what was Y/N's room and stop for a moment before head out to the gym. Whilst grabbing a water from the kitchen JARVIS calls us in for a meeting with Fury.

"Anyone know what this is about?" I ask, taking my seat next to Wanda. "Well, the whole team is here so he can't be announcing a resignation." Tony responded darkly. Both Wanda and I shot him a look and he held his hands up in defence.

Fury entered with a solemn look on his face. "Thanks for meeting so quickly. Let's begin." It was odd for Fury to thanks us, he rarely did, especially for something so trivial. This must be bad. I take out my notepad and pen ready to take notes.

"A few months ago we sent an Agent to monitor and extract this woman. Sarah Petrov, who we believed was a Hydra sleeper agent. Our Agent went undercover working at the same coffee shop to gather intel before their real identity was revealed." He stopped when he was interrupted by Steve. "Hang on, so you're saying that you purposely were going to leak that they was a Shield Agent?" he asked perplexed.

"Yes, we didn't know what her powers were and we though the best option was, once we had collected enough information, to create a leak which we could control and be able to apprehend the Hydra Agent. Once we could confirm that she was in fact who we thought she was, we would send in a team and extract both her and the Agent." He paused for a moment. Again, something he doesn't often do.

"Let me guess. It didn't go to plan? Which his not surprising considering it was pretty much a suicide mission for the Agent!" Steve interrupted again. I noticed Fury's fist tighten, he felt guilt, it would explain his current demeanour. Any other circumstance he would have called Steve out.

"Our Agent was exposed and we sent in a team, however, Sarah proved too strong. She had powers similar to you Wanda. Our team was pushed back, and Sarah got away with Y/-the agent. We know their location but it's too risky for us to send a Shield team in to get them." Fury explains.

"So, you want us to infiltrate the base, rescue the Agent and also apprehend this Sarah?" Steve clarifies. Fury simply nods in acknowledgement. Something doesn't feel right, he's somehow personally involved with this. "Who's the agent?" I ask. There's a long silence where Fury refuses to make eye contact with any of us. "Fury, I said who's the agent?" I asked again growing frustrated.

"It's Y/N." There is a stunned silence. The whole team looking at each other. "But you told us she resigned." Wanda challenged. "I did, it was best for the mission." Fury said defending himself. "I think you need to tell us the truth here Fury." Tony said angrily tapping the table.

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