Stunts - SJ

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(I know the characters/scenes I'm talking about in the Avengers are not real. But it helps for the story.)

Y/N's POV:

There was a time when I was ready to give everything up. I was tired trying to fight my way to becoming an actress. After endless rejection I thought I wasn't meant for that world. But it was at that moment, when I had all but given up, that I got a part. The part which would start me on a path I never expected.

That role was a small part as an Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D in the Avengers. Little did I know that it would lead me to meet my future wife and gaining my big break. I can still remember the day I first met wife. We were filming a scene where we were fighting after my character had been affected by the tesseract. Due to her scheduling, we hadn't had a chance to practice with each other. Instead doing rehearsals with our own stunt co-ordinators. This was my favourite part of filming, the stunts. I loved the intense fight scenes and this one with Natasha was one of the best.

On the day we were set to film I was on set early with my stunt co-ordinator running through the fight scene, so it was fresh in my head. As we finished our final set up, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned around to grab my water when I see none other than Scarlett Johansson looking at me.

I smile and walk over, stretching out my hand in greeting. "Good Morning Ms Johansson, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Y/N and I'll be the person whose ass you're kicking today." I laughed, internally kicking myself at my awkwardness. She just laughed taking my hand and giving it a firm shake. "It's nice to meet you too Y/N. But please call me Scarlett. Your form is looking good." She says pointing in the direction of the set.

"Uh, thanks. It's my first job and I just want it all to be perfect." I smile in return. We get caught in each other's eyes briefly. Our intense stare is interrupted by the director, Joss, coming over to get started. "Ah ladies, I see you're here and ready to get going. I think it would be good to run through the fight sequence a couple of times before we start to film."

I notice a smirk on Scarlett's lips before I tear my eyes away to engage with Joss. "Sounds good to me." I respond before taking my place on set. We go through the sequence a couple of times and you'd have thought we had spent our training together with the ease we found in carrying out the moves. Perfectly choreographed. Each time I ended up on my back which Scarlett found very amusing.

Once Joss is happy, we take our positions to do our first take. It goes perfectly once again. We reset to capture a different angel. As we begin to fight, I notice that our positioning seems off. I'm too close to Scarlett and before I had time to readjust, I've clocked a fist right to my nose. The surprise catches me off balance and I fall backwards, my head hitting the concrete floor, hard.

There's a stunned silence as I lay on the floor, my ears ringing. "Fuck, oh my God, Y/N are you ok? I'm so sorry." Scarlett shouts as she runs to my side, kneeling taking my hand in hers. I groan trying to sit up. "No Y/N stay still, can we get a medic over here please?" Joss calls out.

"I'm fine, it's just a bang to the head." But Scarlett gives me a stern look making sure I stay down. "You're not fine Y/N, you're bleeding." It's not until that moment I notice the feel of something wet down my face. I can see the look of concern in Scarlett's eyes and I instantly feel guilty. Which is ridiculous as I was the one that had just got punched, but I still felt bad.

"You know I'm not actually infected by the tesseract, you didn't actually need to punch it out of me." I laughed causing her to let a small chuckle slip. "That's not funny Y/N, you could have gotten hurt." She responds. I give her hand a tight squeeze to let her know everything is ok as the medic runs over to check me out.

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