I should have been there - NR

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Y/n's POV:

Although I didn't have the greatest of starts to life, I really got lucky in my teenage years. You see, I was sold by my parents to Hydra when I was a baby. I then spent 14 years of my life being experimented on. Unlike others in the programme, I wasn't treated as one of their own. Although I spent nearly my entire life there, I was very much treated like a prisoner. I was too valuable to them to lose.

Through my time in Hydra, I was given the power to manipulate the elements. I hated it. I struggled for control as the power was so strong. It would physically hurt in my younger years to even try and blow a gust of wind with it. I despised everything about them. My aim in life was to get to a point that I could get rid of them, never having to harm another person against my will again.

This became a possible reality when the Avengers stormed the base I was held in when I was 15. They never saw me as a monster and helped to train me properly to control my powers. I grew close to Nat and Bruce. Nat was very protective of me and became like a mother figure to me in the early days. I aspired to be just like her, being able to do good for the world. When I turned 16, she asked if she could adopt me, and we could be a family together.

It was the best day of my life. Tony helped to get it all done and I soon became Y/n Romanoff. When she adopted me, Nat was only 28 but it didn't matter. She treated me like a normal kid, helped me with schoolwork and was quick to scold me when I had my rebellious moments. Being her daughter is my greatest honour.

With Bruce, I loved spending time with him in his lab. I loved science and he was happy to teach me. I got to hang out and do so many cool things with him and Tony in the lab. It was great fun, and I couldn't believe that this was the life I now had. After all those years locked away, I had this amazing life. I had a family.

It was Bruce that I first talked to about wishing I could get rid of my powers. Unbeknownst to me, he started work the very next day to find out if it would be possible for me to live a life without them. It wasn't until I was 18 that he found a solution. It was a risky procedure but would guarantee that I would never have to live life feeling like a monster anymore.

Mama really wasn't happy at the thought of me going through such a risky procedure. She fought me on it, and we had a huge blow out from it. But when we calmed down and I explained to her exactly why I wanted to do it, she reluctantly agreed. Not that she really had a say as I was 18 and didn't need parental consent anymore.

Luckily, it all went perfectly, my powers were gone. It was weird at first, but I soon got used to it. I was never happier. That was until a year ago. When Mama and Wanda officially got together. I had never seen mama happier than when she was with Wanda. They were each other's missing piece and they fit perfectly together. I loved watching their relationship flourish. I teased mama a lot in the beginning. The usually unflappable black widow was stumbling over her words and blushing at the slightest compliment from Wanda.

Eventually, she got her shit together and asked her out on a date and they never looked back. The love the two of them have, is something you can only aspire to get yourself. It's pure and unconditional. Sure, they have their moments. They argue and disagree. But they always come back to each other stronger than ever.

That's why it was so hard when my own relationship turned sour. I met Aaron six months ago and he was the most sweet and loving man. At 21 he was my first proper boyfriend. It had been near impossible to date before. All the team had a view and were extremely protective.

I met Aaron at a local coffee shop. I had just had an argument with mama about a mission that Tony had asked me to go on. Since I gave up my powers, mama has always been worried about me going on missions. Even though she has trained me to be almost as good as she is. I was so frustrated, I stormed out and spent the afternoon in my favourite coffee shop.

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