Christmas Birthday

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"Joy to the world, the Lord has come..." Grace sang then came to an abrupt halt. She looked at me incredulously, blinked her eyes and walked up the stairs as quickly as possible. Well, I did not blame her. I was sweating like a pig, my hair in a messy fists clenched tighter, my boxing gloves touching my legs. I looked angry and intimidating.

Well, after I ran out from the office, I detached myself from the rest of the world. No, I didn't act like a coward like you're thinking. Instead, I took a cab and headed to New Jersey to be with my mom. Firstly, I was damn worried about her. She did ask me about my surprise visit, but somehow I brushed off the topic. She was more than happy to see me and I didn't give her even a slight hint that it was my façade that she was seeing. When she was away for work, I used to go to the nearby forest-like-area, she didn't live in the urban area, and I used to run up the hill. It was the best place to work out and toughen up. I also had hung a boxing bag and I would box it and kick it for almost an hour or two.

My arms were now toned and I had got all the peace in the world to do what I wanted. After all, I had to be prepared. A psychopath was on the loose! At other times, I would go on YouTube and watch videos that taught martial arts. I was very well prepared now and could defend myself well, but my real capabilities could only be judged when 'that day' would arrive. I knew it was coming soon...

When I said 'I detached myself from the rest of the world', I literally meant it. My family was not even aware of my whereabouts and mom had to inform them. She was naïve about the whole situation and so were they. She told them that I had planned it all to visit her after my 'trip' with my friends and nobody knew about it. They bought it. I was glad.

As for my friends, Colin and Linda rung me almost 20-40 times, but I didn't answer any of their calls. If Col and Lin gave me only 20-40 calls, then imagine how many Skyler did! I felt bad ignoring their calls because I knew they cared for me and loved me, but I needed space. Hell! I was traumatized! I was not ashamed to say that traumatized was an understatement!

They sent me messages, emails and all of that, but I gave them a deaf ear. I desperately needed space and I could only have that with my mom. She was so busy that she repeatedly apologised to me for not spending enough time with me. I used to console her saying that it was alright because really, she was trying her best. But why did I mind? With her not around, I could do my now 'dedicated schedule' for everyone's benefit.

Nights were the worst. I couldn't sleep! Even if I tried, I just couldn't! It surely annoyed the hell out of me! The truth was, I was afraid of going back to sleep. Reason? Every time I dozed off, the nightmares would begin. I would always see me tied up towards a pole, all helpless and in a ruined state, and Daniel slashing, hitting and torturing my loved ones right in front of my eyes. Every day, it would be a new person. The nightmare would end with him laughing like a maniac. The background was eerie and truly creepy. I would then jerk up screaming, my eyes welling with tears and my face beading with sweat.

It was always like this; sleep, getting mentally tortured, panic attack then fear to sleep again. No one knew about any of this because half of the time, my mom was not there at home and I just returned back home from mom's place.

You know that feeling which you get when you're paranoid? Like for example, you watched a horror movie and you're in this room which is dimly lit and you're the only person in the room moving forward to take something. Don't you feel like someone's dangerously watching you as you do whatever stuff? Doesn't it creep the hell out of you?

If your answer is a yes, then let me tell you, my condition and feeling of paranoia was way worse than any of what you guys have experienced! Every time I was alone or even if I was with a group of people, any time of the day and at any damn freaking place, I could feel someone watching me! It was effing creepy and I still couldn't get over it!

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