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Staying sullen with all my energy drained out, I rested my head on my arms trying to doze off to sleep. It had been a long time since I even smiled. What the heck! The entire Russo issue affected me so much! I couldn't feel weak at this moment. I just couldn't! I had to get up and move on. Shutting my eyes one last time, the images of the Russo family, all the conversations I had with them, Charles in hospital, everything played on like a movie.

Why the hell is this happening?

Who is doing this to them?

What happened between our families?

What was the reason?

What would happen next?

These questions made my eyes jolt open. Banging my fist on the desk in agitation, I lifted my head and sat upright gazing at the frame of Skyler and I. Somehow and quite thankfully, it made me smile. Twirling my pen between my fingers, I silently waited for the clock to tick faster. I didn't feel like doing anything at all! Heaving a heavy sigh, I picked a packet of chips and munched on them.

"Beep..." Went my phone. I scurried over to it and managed a small smile. The text was from Lin.

"Mr. Russo has been discharged. He seemed very happy and relieved. Colin even had a good chat with him. Charles was shocked to know that we had attended him though. He also said he wanted to meet you. I think you should visit him. Obviously you will. You love him so much. Don't deny it! I saw it all today. Anyway, bye! Take care!P.S Cheer up! Everything will be okay!"

That's what she had sent. I was glad that uncle seemed well. He wanted to meet me? That would definitely be happening, but I wouldn't go see him now. He needed rest. I was just somehow satisfied that for now he was all well and that there wouldn't be anything funny happening for the time being. I really hoped so!

Slowly, energy was pumped into me and I felt rejuvenated. Just then the door opened and in came my boyfriend.

"Hey Anderson!" Sky exclaimed, fist thumping me.

"Hi Jones!" I replied, fisting back.

He sat on the bed and pulled me towards him. As I approached him, his arm encircled me with his warmth and scent so ever welcoming. I leant my head on his shoulder as he held me tight. He planted a kiss on my hair and looked intensely at me which I held onto.

Entwining our fingers, I went closer. "What are you thinking?" I whispered. "About you." He replied softly, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Hmm...and?" I questioned. He gently pulled me out of the embrace and leant forward. "What's bothering you?" He asked. "Uh...nothing." I responded, staring at the floor. I received a cock of an eyebrow from him. "Really. It's nothing much. Umm...it's just that...you know...Mr. Russo is family and I'm kind of affected. I had a word with his family. You remember, right?" I asked.

He nodded. Uncomfortable to talk about it, I shifted my position. "You know what? Don't talk about it if you don't want to. You'll tell me soon enough though, right?" He asked, rising. I tugged onto his hand and nodded. "Good. There's nothing really major I hope. Sometimes you need to ignore your feelings and pour out all your troubles. It helps. Trust me." He smiled and headed towards the desk, pulling me along with him. "I love this photo. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Kelly! I love you so much!" Skyler confessed, drawing me closer to him. I wrapped my arm on his shoulder and whispered, "Sorry, Sky. I'm just so scared."

He quickly looked at me and held my hands tight. His gaze was so penetrating. "Hey..." He whispered, his forehead touching mine. I boldly looked at him as a tear made its way down my cheek. He gently wiped away my tears and made me sit on the chair while he knelt in front of me, grasping my palms in his. "What's making you scared?" He questioned. "E-Everything! Everything that's happening, S-Sky!" I choked. "Don't worry. Nothing bad is going to happen. C'mon...cheer up. We're all in this together whatever happens. We're all there. I'm there. I'm there..." He whispered, engulfing me in a hug and consoling me.

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