Secrets Tumble

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My footsteps were hasty; my mind functioning unlike the pace. Reaching the parking lot, I could hear Skyler swearing and all of them talking rapidly. "No!" I said to no one in particular. "There's no way you guys are going to be part of this. This is my fight and I'm going to end this. Alone." Saying so, I fit the helmet on my head that was dangling from the brake.

I had never rode a bike before, but I guessed it was just like how one rode a cycle. The only difference; bikes had stiffer brakes, mechanised parts, engines and a speedometer. After seating myself, I pulled the shutter close. I was tall enough to be considered. My focus remained uninterrupted as I stepped on the pedal. Twisting the brakes, the bike made a zoom. "By hook or by crook...I'm going there like this." I reassured myself. "Kelly! You don't know how to ride that thing! I'm coming with you!" Skyler yelled, but I was too adamant to abide. As I told you, my focus remained unchanged. I had no time waiting for him. No time for anyone, for all I knew! The time was already ticking...and the chase was just going to begin...With one kick, I pushed away the stand. 'You're ready, Kelly.' My conscience motivated me.

With one last twist of the brake, the bike zoomed upwards and landed with a thud and before I even knew it, I was zooming in full speed on the road towards my destination. My balance was perfect and riding a bike was pretty easy! I was smug with my new-found capability. I was riding at an incredibly fast speed that I didn't see a truck speeding towards me. I looked towards it one last time and speeded up all the more. People were blaring their horns at me and I knew I had to reduce my pace, but my hands didn't let me do that. It was like they had taken full control of the situation. As I zoomed by, everything appeared to be a blur and only the charging vehicles were clear to my vision.

Thankfully, my dodging helped me stay in one piece as of now. After riding for at least 15 km, I saw the symbol. The company's trademark. A surge of adrenaline rushed through me as I entered the massive gates. My heart was beating erratically and sweat beaded my face. I came to a halt right at the entry and got off of the bike. Removing my helmet, I stared at the place. Nobody was around. The passageway was dark and there was something unusual about the place. It felt like I would be facing my doom just at my first step inside.

So, I walked towards the back of the building. There was a meter room. I stealthily walked towards it and twisted the knob. Going inside, the smell of sweat made me scrunch my nose in disgust. All around me were wires and plugs. There was no space at all and I felt claustrophobic. Just as my hopes were deduced, I saw a ladder attached to the wall that basically led to nowhere. Risking it, I held it tight and walked it up when I came face to face with a square of the ceiling.

This part of the ceiling though was made out of wood. "Ughh! This is so frustrating!" I swore. I looked again at it and an idea bobbed up. I pushed the wood upwards and slid it. It sure did work! Satisfied, I pulled myself through the space. I landed in a room with dirt and dust sprawled all over the floor. Dusting my hands against my jeans, I glanced around. The room was completely empty and I searched every nook and corner, but found no way leading to another room. Then I saw it! A window. I ran towards it and saw a ledge that had a ladder leading upwards. The ceiling was pretty high. That meant that if I climbed the ladder, I would reach the third or fourth floor window. That sure was frightening to think about! All alone on the parapet of the third or fourth floor and looking below! It was almost 4 or 5 feet high!

Puffing out, I walked towards the window and got out on the ledge. I had to stick my back to the wall, hands spread out while taking small steps towards the ladder. Looking down was not a problem here, but it was surely going to get tougher! I reached the ladder and after heaving a satisfied sigh, climbed up it. I grasped the window sill tight and stepped myself off of the ladder and onto the fourth floor parapet. The view from here was incredible, but the height sent a shiver down my spine! Again, I took small steps with my back sticking to the wall and hands spread out for balance.

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