A Promise To Keep

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A lonely street greeted me as I made my way to the Anderson house. The streetlamps weren't lighting up the street just like the calmness wasn't cheering me up. I paid the amount for the travel and gave a few cents as a tip to the driver. "Goodnight, miss!" Said the driver. I waved in response not wanting to talk to a single soul. "Dring...Dring..." I tapped my foot impatiently. "Grandma! Grandpa! Please open the door!" I heard someone hurrying towards the door. "They must be back. Robert! ROBERT! Don't hog on food like that for God's sake! I don't want you complaining to me about acidity problems again. And yes..." She whispered. "Do keep some food left for them too." "Of-ay Kat-fleen! Don' keef tem waifing!" Hushed grandpa with his mouth full!

The door unlocked slowly and a freckled head popped out. She was beautiful for her age! "Hi darling! Come in sweetheart, come in." I smiled at her and entered. I turned towards my left and found myself in the living room. I slumped on the sofa. My grandmother sat next to me. "Where's everybody else, honey?" She asked. "They're still at the Jones." I replied, looking at my lap. Her gaze was totally penetrating. "Kelly..." "Yeah, Grandma?" I knew the question was going to pop up soon enough. "Do they know you're here? Have you left them suddenly and come home?"

"Why would you ask me that, Granma?"

"Darling, I can read your mind."

"B-b-but..." I stammered. She examined me closely and that's when Grandpa walked in.

"Hi ice-cream pie!" He greeted and gave me a peck on the cheek. I smiled at him and hugged him as well. Grandpa used to call me ice-cream pie ever since I was two. I literally used to hog on ice-cream pies. I had once told mum that I could just survive on them. That's when she informed me that if that was so, then I would become an inflated football and would be a very useful item for Grace! I laughed at the thought.

"Was my pie crying or...are my eyes deceiving me?" He questioned looking from my grandma to me for a final answer. "Yes, yes, yes! Even I noticed that. Good observation, honey. Your eyes look puffy, dear. What happened at the Jones? Please feel free to tell us!" She pleaded. I couldn't, absolutely couldn't tell them that I was crying because Skyler had kissed me and that there was a reason half known to me about why I shouldn't be with Skyler and all that. I had to forget about the main topics before explaining it all to them. In any case they had to know about the mess. That was the main reason why our parents became mad at us!

"Skyler and I had an argument and that led us to be violent with each other. We created a lot of mess. That made everyone angry. Of course! I couldn't face anyone any longer and I rushed out of the house and came here!" I explained, breathlessly. Such a good editor I was, wasn't I? "Oh dear! Oh dear! You two spoiled the reunion! Aren't you aware that the main purpose I support this reunion is to see Kev and Liz together again? Don't you want that, Kelly?"

"I do!" I confessed. It reminded me of a bride confessing to the priest.

"Then you two should better behave yourselves. You guys need to learn how to live with each other. Most importantly, you both need to learn to bond well with each other!" Ah! Well, yes. We bonded quite well. It shouldn't have happened that way actually, but yes, it did happen. And as for living with each other, there was no chance.

"Granma! We're friends, okay? But, just because we're friends doesn't mean that we can't argue!" I looked at her shockingly. "Alright, I get it that you guys are friends, but this wasn't a fight. You guys pounce on each other like starving wolves and are in the mindset of ripping each other off and you want me to call this an argument? No way! This was a war! The Third World War and I don't like the sound of it!" Said she looking at the flower vase fixedly as though stupefied. "I'm sorry it didn't please you because you brought it up! Now, if you'll excuse me, I rather prefer to go to bed than to prolong any unnecessary questions or..." I looked at my grandmother and narrowed my eyes, "...any ridiculous exclamations!" I continued, "When Grace and dad return, tell them that I've gone to bed and that I do NOT want to be disturbed!"

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