Time To Think

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Alright, so here I was waiting at the corridor and panting as though I had returned after a 200 meter race. All eyes were on me and the look wasn't that of awe, but of complete disgust. I had the uncomfortable feeling going on in the pit of my stomach and I slowly made my way towards my seat trying not to look back at the disturbing gaze of my classmates. Before I could even take a seat, Mr. Russo looked at me; his face threatening and his lips forming into a straight line.

"I'm absolutely sorry, Mr. Russo. I didn't mean to return late to class. I swear I wasn't trying to escape! Why would I? I definitely adore your lectures..."I looked away as soon I made that statement because that was a complete lie. But I had to make him happy somehow. No choice. 'A white lie would do', I thought. "Hmph...Ms. Anderson! Please breathe when you're talking! Blabbering in full speed only shows that you're nervous and that you're spitting out your cluttered thoughts from your cluttered mind!"

I was left in an utter state of shock. Did that psychic man just call my mind 'cluttered'?! I was seething with anger there and then. In fact, even he was looking at me in the same manner. He was agitated. We would see whose mind was cluttered after a decent neurology test. That guy was greying so much because of that very reason. Who did he think of himself?! "Hmph..." "Yes, Ms. Anderson...anything to add?"

His eyes narrowed as soon as he said that. I looked back, glared at him for a minute and when I realised what I was doing, relaxed and replied, "No! Um...Actually, I just wanted to say that I'm definitely not nervous. I...okay...I regret the fact that I just blabbered and made no sense in what I was saying. But, what I want to say is that...this was DEFINITELY NOT an escape plan! Just because I don't favour the subject so much it doesn't mean that I would try to escape. I'm not a fool and besides...I had gone to the loo and weird things were taking place and..." He showed me his palm as a sign to stop. I came to an abrupt halt.

"Ms. Anderson...whatever happened in the loo must be reported or talked with the females. I hope you understand and know that you can't be too open over here. And I DEFINITELY do NOT have any interest to know about what happened in the girls lavatory!" He stated firmly. Git! He didn't even know that I thought it was something major. It now struck me! It was a good thing I didn't tell him. What if my doubts were wrong? "Ms. Anderson." I would be the laughing stock of the class. "Ms. Anderson!" Someone was poking me from behind. I turned around and saw Linda pointing to the front of the class.

"MS. ANDERSON!" I stood dumbstruck to find the source of the annoying yelling voice. "Yes s-sir!" I stammered. "How many times do I have to call out your name? Are you daydreaming in class too even when I'm most pissed off with you? This drama has been going on since ages with you. I thought of forgiving you, but now I've second thoughts..." 'Woah! This guy used to think! That was news to me.' I giggled at the thought.

Seeing my expression, the entire class gasped. Mr. Russo was looking so mad. God! He looked dangerous! "Detention!" He barked. What. Did. I. Just. Hear?! DETENTION?! No way! "But sir...Why do I need detention? What did I do?" I said in a rather disgusted voice. "What did you do? Is that what you're asking me? Tell me something Ms. Anderson...What bit you in the loo? I can see an absolutely annoying change in your behaviour! You're acting unusually strange." He said, slowly. "Nothing! Nothing at all, sir! I don't know why you would think like that. But...why detention?" I made a puppy like face while asking him. "Detention means detention. Anyway...has it got anything to do with your loo business that you had mentioned earlier?" When I shook my head, he sighed. "Very well then! You've totally disappointed me, Ms. Anderson. Next time you behave like this, I'll have no choice, but to call your parents to school. So better behave. Detention is after school hours. You'll explain to me all that I have taught in class today and then you can leave."

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