39. Shattered Pieces

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A hoard of sentimonsters were sent their way.

Marinette watched in awe at the true power that was created by the new owner of the Peacock miraculous. She knew it was true from her own experiences, but the way that the power grew and changed with age was incredible.

She fought alongside her sister, breaking the location that held each amok and watching them fade away as she de-evilized each little feather.

She found herself grateful for her age and experience. Not having to detransform so often was quite a relief.

Marinette looked around constantly, checking to see if Alix would pop out and save them like she usually did.

When she didn't, that made her wonder what new alarming foe was waiting for them in the future. Or was this it? Would he win?

Her eyes trailed towards her sister. You were quiet, oddly so. She could almost see the wheels turning in your head as you assessed the situation so thoroughly. She found herself wishing that it was you Master Fu had ran into all those years ago. You would have never let this happen.

"Where is she?!" Luka barreled through the front door of your apartment to find Zoe sitting on the couch, anxiously fidgeting with her fingers.

"I had a feeling you would come here first." She sighed, understanding why Jess had sent her out here to wait. "She's at the Eiffel Tower with Marinette. They have Adrien."

"Why did she go?" His question shot out but he already knew the answer. You were always there for your family when they needed it. Nothing would stop your from saving them.

"Damn troublesome woman." He was worried, so so worried as he ran at full speed towards the Eiffel Tower, hoping he would make it there in time to stop you from potentially killing yourself.

"Manon!" Adrien cried out again. He knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with negotiation with his cousin. The man was so far gone. He had been planning this for years. Desperately chasing the downfall of the Agreste family. "Stop him! I know you can! You guys are going to kill them if you don't stop."

Felix bent down and grabbed Adrien firmly by his hair. He lifted his head just enough so that his identical eyes would meet his own. "I should knock you out cold." He spat. "Maybe start worrying about your own life, that's what is at risk here."

True to his word, he let go of Adrien's head with a slam.

Felix watched, delighted as you and your sister managed to climb your way up the tower.

"Give him back."

You were there first.

Felix was delighted that you couldn't see him just yet. The pure anger on your face that he knew would blossom into the most beautiful flower when he revealed the truth about his identity and his partner's was intoxicating.

"Don't you want to hear how I did all this first?" He asked with that same, slug smirk he knew you absolutely despised.

"I don't give a shit, give him back dammit!" You charged towards him, Marinette barely missed grabbing your arm as you went for the man.

You stopped abruptly as your hand gripped the shirt of the man you despised. The man who hasn't even bothered transforming yet.

"Felix." You gritted your teeth together so hard that you were sure they would snap.

"Hello darling." He grinned. "Would you like to reconsider my question again?"

"We don't wanna hear it!" Marinette yelled as she stormed towards the two of you.

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