Untitled Part 1

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ok, so after a long time of this book being out, this is the first actual chapter of "a new proxy".  i had no motivation to start this,  and i procrastinated a lot. sorry for the wait. 

this is slightly edited, but there will be still a lot of spelling and grammar errors.

also, all the music at the top of each chapter is just good songs i sugest listening to. 

trigger warnings: swearing, abuse, homophobia, transphobia, mental issuses?

anyways, please enjoy the first chapter of this book!

luka's pov)

welp. this is fun. having to run through a forest at about 2 am because my own goddamn father doesnt accept the fact that my gender changes so he then, being the idiot he is, went all "im gonna beat you until all the gay dissapears", is fun. i just dont understand his logic sometimes.     anyways, when i actually looked at my surroundings i realized that i took a wrong turn. well fuck. if youre wondoring how i know i took a wrong turn, its cuz this is not the first time i have been chased through a forest. also, i just like walking in the forest, its calm. 

i looked behind me to see that my "father" was getting catcing up. i did not like that, so, being the idiot that i am, i turn to the left, towards this weird lake place that no one goes to cuz some weird shit has happened there, then jump across the rocks that go across the lake, then up the tiny hill, then down the tiny hill, to a cliff. i know what your thinking, you think im gonna jump. and yes. i did. i jumped, landing in the river. i didnt get hurt.... mostly. i kinda got slightly stabbed by a rock, but its fine. anyways, i forgot that it had rained earlier, so the river was going way faster than i thought it had before i jumped. i crashed into rocks, gaining more cuts and scratches, and bruises. 

after about one, maybe two minutes of being thrown into rocks and other sharp things, i finally enter a lake. i swim to the surface of the water, then look around. 

"where the fuck am i?" i ask myself, as if someone would answer, which no one does. i start to swim over to the shore of the lake. i drag myself out of the water, and lay with my back on the ground. i stay there for a bit, then force myself to get up and keep runnign, since i began to hear my 'father's footsteps. i keep running in random directions, trying to find some part of this forest that i recognize so i can get out of here. suddinly, i hear two more sets if footsteps behind me. the two people who were running (i could tell they were people) were chasing me. well shit. they were faster than my 'father' but not as fast as me... hopefully. i speed up, running almost as fast as i could. 

"why are there more people chasing me?" i silently ask myself, kind of wondering if one of my alters pissed someone off.  i finnally recognized a formation of trees. i mentally celebrated. i was about to turn right, to hide behind some sort of ruins, but all of my alters said not to and to keep running forewards. i ususally dont trust them if its one of them, but if its all of them yelling at me to keep running forewards, then i trust them. if your wondering what the hell im talking about, i have DID, dissosiative identity dissorder. anyways, i keep running foreward, to the exit of the forest.

then, out of no where, another person jumps down from a tree right in front of me. this person was wearing a mask that looked like they got it at Michelle's (the craft store) and a tan jacket. they were holding a gun.

"what the fucking shit!?! how the hell do you have a gun!? this is canada for fucks sake!!" (yes this is placed in canada) i yell. honestly wanting to know how the hell this person got a gun in canada, we dont sell those here. i quickly turn left slightly, just enough to get past the person in front of me. 

i get out of the forest, but dont slow down. i was still running from people. i run past houses, and a park that no one goes to, but i notice that all the footsteps werent there. i slow my running down to a walk. i check my phone, which i luckly did not drop and is waterproof, to see about twenty texts from my 'mother' calling me a "whore", "useless",  "a dissapointment",  "a waste of resourses", and of course the f slurr. and also a lot of tests from my brother, asking if i was okay, and telling me that i should probably find somewhere to stay for a bit. there were also about 100 texts from my 5 friends, who found out what happened from my brother.  i called the group chat that included my friends, who all imedeatly answered the call, all with their own concerend greeting


"what the fuck happened?" was the reply that Devil said.

"SIBLING.ARE.YOU.OKAY?" was the reply Feary had.

"luka, are you hurt, or anything?" was the reply of Frog, or as we call them, Froggie

"hey, bud. you okay?" was what Dylan asked.

i replied to each of them, then we had a serious conversation about what to do. we settled on all of us going to arden's house and spending a couple days there. we also agreed that dylan would bring extra clothers for me to steal, until i can get some from my house.

once the call ended i began to walk to arden's house. it was to quiet, so i took out my earbuds from the waterproof case and played music from my phone. i looked up as music blasted in my ears and admired the bright orbs scattering the sky. 

i soon reached Arden's house,  i walked up the steps, and opened the unlocked door.

"HEEEYYOOO. IM HOME" i yelled across the house, reciving three yelled greetings from arden, Feary, and Froggie. i walked down the stairs to the basement/living room that my family were in. 

i looked at my friends, my friends were my true family. they were always there for me. the three that were there didnt notice i was behind them, until Dylan came down the steps.

"uhhh.... Darling? why does it look like you jumped in a lake?" dylan's unique british/canadian mixted accent filled my ears. i smiled at their voice. turned around, just in time to realize how fucking cold i am. i then see dylan take off his backpack, put it on the floor, and take out a hoodie and pyjama bottoms, then throw the two clothing items at me. "your gonna catch a cold" he said.

 i took the clothes with be as i head to the bathroom after i said i was gonna shower as well. after i got out of the shower, and got dressed, i looked at myself in the mirror. the hoodie, that was pretty big on me, hid the body i hate. i am and always have been a skinny kid, even though i was born male, i have a oddly feminin body and face. my bright blue-teal hair falls in front of my eyes, getting water in my eyes. i sigh as i see my dark hair growing in. i look at my feminin face, which was scattered with cuts from the adveture in the forest. i sighed as i opened the door of the bathroom and walked out to join my freinds who were watching the movie 'single all the way'.

"hey, anyone know how to treat cuts?" i ask. they all turn to me, and notice the cuts and the bruises that are begining to form. they all ask me what happened, to which i replied with "its a long story. i dont really want to relive it in my mind right now. i can explain it tomorrow, but for now, i kinda want to just want to have a normal night.. well...for our friend group, anyways." they all understood.

we got the cuts properly cleaned, which kinda hurt, and patched them up. we then went back to the living room basment thing, and watched a bucnh of movies, and had fun. we ended up staying up all night, which was by far normal for us. the next day, the others went to school, but me, arden, and Devil skipped, and went to Devil's house. screaming the lyrics to random songs an the walk over to xeir house.


this was 1438 words! wow. i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book! the next chapter is just gonna be luka and his friend's info and shit like that.

anyways, goobye and goodnight!

see ya next time.

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