Untitled Part 5

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hi there! this is chapter five. there are 1129 words. i hope you enjoy

edited: nope :) so many spelling errore

trigger warning: self hate, dead naming, gore but not to much just a bit, cringe father(abuse), intrusive thoughts(ithink)





That repeating sound was the only thing i could hear. Its been the only thing i have heard for a couple of hours now.. The doctor or nurse or whatever left hours ago. Im now alone.

I failed. I failed to protect my friend. I survived though. Apparently thats good, well acording to the doctors. I dont think its that good though, because now i have to live with the fact that i couldnt save my sibling. I couldnt save fearie. Im useless..

I hear a door open then i hear footsteps approach me. The footsteps belong to a nurse. I kinda may have memorised the footsteps but dont know their name or pronouns. Then i hear their soft voice, "hey there lucas, i have good news! We can take the bandages off today!" they say with enthusiasm. I flinch as i hear that name.. Lucas... the name my parents gave me.. I hate that name.., i couldnt say anything since the bandages kinda go all over my face. I sigh.

"You seem upset.. Can you tell me why?"the nurse says. WOW. just WOW. why would you ever say that to someone who cant speak from the fucking bandages. You fucking bitch.

Soon, i feel the uncomfortable fabrick covering my face being unravled. I then see light blast onto my eyes who have only seen darkness for days now. I take a sharp breath in as the right side of my face gets contact with air. Soon enough all of the itchy bandages are removed.

"How does that feel? I know they must feel uncomfortable with the blood and stuff...." i hear them say.

I slowly open my eyes, only to tightly close them again. "Bright.." i say with sutch a small and broken rough voice that i could hear the nurse slightly jump.

"Right... right. I will make the lights dimmer.." i hear them walk to a far wall then the light against my eyelid starts to go darker. I open my eyes, the right eye slightly delayed. Wait a second... why is my eyesight shit on one side?

"So in the crash, the right side of your face was dammaged by the explotion.. It might be a bit dificult for you to see. Im sorry about that lucas." i hear the nurse say with the voise you would talk to a toddler with.

"Stop.. stop talking.. To me.. Like.. im a.. Child" i say slowly. I hear the nurse freeze.

"Right.. Sorry lucas." they say with the same voice as before.

"Pronouns.." i say to them.

"Uh- what... oh.. My pronouns? Um she and her."she says to me kind of awkward-like and bratty as if she is a homophobe. "Um would you like to see how you look?" she askes me

slowly, I sit up, though it ssends pain though my body i dont mind. I deserve the pain. I nod. I look down at my left arm to see more itchy bandages, stained with blood. The nurse rushes to find a mirroir. She leaves the room. My vision staarts to get blurry again, as i feel tears fall down my face. I hear the footsteps approach the door again to with the hand that isnt covered in bandages, i whip the tears away and act as if i never started to cry. Though that didnt really work because the tears that i whipped away just kept being replaced by more.

 The nurse doesnt question me, since she knows that my friend had died in the explosion, so horribly that there was no body to bring to the hosplital or to burry or whatevber fearie wanted to do to her dead body. The mirrior gets shown right in front of me. I slowly look at the reflective surface only to be shocked and terrified by the state of my own face.. The entire right sideof my face is burnt and cut... i dont even know what to call it... the side of my mouth is ripped apart, showing my teeth even when i have my mouth closed. My eye is white with traces of red that i can only guess is blood. My hair is somehow perfectly fine, only slightly discoloured, but i can fix that with hair dye, but how the fuck do i hide this fucking discusting and hideouse sight that is my face. I guess the nurse caught on to my shock and fear, because she says " we can make you a mask for you, no cost for that. We know you went through a lot lucas-" she got cut off byu the door slamming open.

"Wheer is he.." i hear a familiar voice say, i smile as i hear the calming footsteps approach the bed im laying in.

"... luka?.... Fuck.. i was told you guys wher in the hospltital but i wsnt told how bad it was.. Shit thats not nice.. Umm.. are... are you okay?" i hear the familiar voice say, its froggie... shit... she cant see how fucking horrid i look. Wait.. does he not know about... shit.. Ve's gonna kill me.... I start to panick

"Luka? Who is luka?" the nurse says. I see froggie freeze, then turn to me "what in the shit are they talking about?" i pick up the fact that froggie seems uncomfortable to look at me.

"Im sorry sir but you cant be here." the nurse says i hear froggie breath in speedily. I smile, even though its painful to do so, knowing that froggie is about to yell at a fucking full grown adult. I hear her start yelling, but its loud, so i stare at the wall as if its something interesting, which it currently kinda is since i got the sense of sight about a couple of minutes ago.

"Luka. luka? Luuukkkkaaaaaa.." froggie sais to me, waiving a hand in front of my face. I look at his hand. Then at her face. Then back at ver hand. Then bonk my head onto his hand. I keep my head ther as i feel her basically pat my head. Once again i feel tears fall from my eyes.

"Im sorry...." i say to froggie. I feel both of the people in the room tense up as a not so welcoming tension forms in the air.

"Why would you.... Luka what.. What happened? Please tell me.." froggie says to me, obviously worried and thinking the worst. More and more tears fall from my tired eyes becoming a steady stream across my face. My already fucked vision starts to fall into a welcoming darkness.

Both of them are staring at me. I know it. Im bored. Do i have to go to school soon? Soon i hear nothing, no thoughts, none of my alter, no voices. Nothing. I hate it.

hi! thank you for reading this! this chapter used to be way longer buit i cut it in half, now i have another chapter! btw the scar on luka's face was actually loosly based on c!tubbo's scar on the dream smp, but kinda worse maybe? idk. 

have a good day/night/whateverthefuck 

savvy is a bitch.... she will be introduced soon, her charachter is comepletely based on/ is exactly like the person in real life who is in fact.. a bitch. yaayyy

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