Untitled Part 10

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warnings: bunny(maybe), implied eating dissorder, 

uhhhh hey so its been a while, anyways enjoy the actually kinda calm chapter 10

"Its weird without fearie here."

Froggie spoke with sadness draining her voice.


We sat on the couch in silence, watching love, simon because of course we were. We both had small pizzas sitting next to us. Froggie had barely touched her pizza, but he had ate one slice, me on the other hand, i had not ate anything. I didnt really feel comfortable taking off my mask at the moment.. And.. also.. How the fuck to i eat with the gash on my face. I had only ate a couple of crakers throughout the week, as well as drank many monsters.

I was very interested in the movie even though i have watched it many many times before. About 40 minutes into the movie.. I actually dont know how long it has been its just at the part where simon and abby are at the football game and are checking out the players..

"Hey, do you know why my side hurts?"

I jump when froggie spoke. I was not expecting any sort of conversation at the moment. I pause before i speak.

"Oh, a guy kicked you in the side when you were unconscious."

"Thats a dick move."

"Oh dont worry, i almost killed him after."

"Oh okay... WAIT WHAT!?"

I turn my head away at the loud voice.

"Its fine..."

"We are not telling mom any of this."


We end the conversation with that. The rest of the movie pases with no more spoken words. I honestly wanted to speak with froggie but i didnt know how to start the conversation or if she wanted tp talk. I noticed him hold a necklace ve was wearing, it was a blue heart, i remember him telling me about how faerie gave her that necklace. Ve seemed sad as he held the locket.

You cant do anything, you cant even help your friend. Your useless, why dont you kill yourself it will make it better for everyone

I sigh and turn my head away from froggie and bunny who is standing next to ver. My attention in then taken to some footsteps apoaching from behind me. Its just froggie's mum.

"Luka, are you staying the night?"

She spoke calmly, with nice undertones. Nothing out of the ordinary. I dont want to go home.. I dont want to go back to that place with my parents there. I want to see my siblings though, i havent spoken to them recently, other than over text.

"Yeah. if thats alright."

I know she smiles, even though im not looking at her.

"Of course it is. why dont you two get set up downstairs in frogs room."

I nod, then just stare at the wall, waiting for froggie to walk, so i can follow. Once froggie's mum walks away, froggie stands up, walking down the steps, naturally i get up and follow close behind.

As we are walking through the tiny room thats kinda like a hall but more of a room, froggie speaks.. Finally.

"Do you wanna sleep underneath amongst the stuffies?"

My eyes lit up. Froggie's bed is a bunc bed next to the wall, ve sleeps on the top one usually, but the one on the floor is filled with stuffies and thats where i always 'sleep' when i stay here overnight. I let my childish side come out for my reply.

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