Untitled Part 9

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tw: bunny, fight, sexual assult, implied self harm

Days go by quickly, since there is nothing to do. The only interesting hting that has happened is ive gotten more and more violent recently, and i started to sketch out my idea for the mural me and my friends are creating for a art project. Oh and my arm bleeds a lot, the one thats injured from the car crash.... I mean.. The other bleeds quite a lot to.. For.. other reasons.. But i havent caused those reasons in a day so i dont have the wrap thing on that wrist, its just a lot of cuts that dont start to bleed now. I also have gotten less interested with eating, it also sends anxiety waves throughout me even at the thought of eating. I gues my eating dissorder has gotten way worse. Well.. yeah of course it has, i just had a very traumatic experience happen to me, and now whenever i close my eyes i see faerie crying, covered in their own blood, missing body parts and covered in injuries from the eploxion. Oh yeah did i ever mention that they found one of fearie's legs a bit off the highway?

Uhhh anyways, its currently friday, and almost lunch, by almost i mean about ten minutes. Oh also, im running away from three guys in year 4. How did this happen? Well i shall tell you....


I was walking back inside from painting the mural as we had a double block of art, holding a bag of assorted spraypaint and other paints. I had my red and black flannel tied loosly arounf my waist, i had black short sleeved t-shirt on, so my self ouch cuts were kinda showing, thouhg i forgot they were there, and my bandages on my left arm were there, they had a couple of blood marks, and my hands were covered with colerfull paint. I had a smile across my hidden face, as i let the autum wind blow my hair off my face in a surprisingly graceful way.

I open the door of the school and walk inside, saying goodbye to the great breeze of outside. The gross smell of public school fill my nose making me contemplate my life choices of surviving until high school. I walk over to the stairway so i can go up to the art room, which is on the top floor.

I get to the first turn, to see the older brother of jacob, as well as two other people i dont recognise. They all look at me, then make themselves into a wall, blocking me from getting up the stairs. I freeze, look at them, then turn around, walking back down the couple of stairs so i can go to a different way to get to the art room. I feel someone grab my car-crash-ow-arm(left arm), making me flinch from the sharp wave of pain. The person notices that, loosening their grip, but still holding my arm in the way a pervert would. I internally cringe, then turn around, pulling my arm away from the person, which caused me to have a lot of pain go threw my arm again.

"You dont think you can get away from us that easily hm?"

The brother of jacob said with a gross grin plastered on his face. The two shorter people grab both of my arms and drag me to a closet that no one goes to. Jacob's brother who i now remember is named julius, locks the door as he walked inside. Next thing i knew my mask was taken off, the three of them laughed at me and called me things that were actually creative not nice names(which was surprising considering how much they shoved their head up their own ass). Then, hands. Hands everywhere. Stop. why. Stop... stop. Please stop. More hands, smiles traced on their faces. Stop.stop.stop. Tears ran down my face. I cant move. I cant do anything.. I want them to stop. I hear laughing. Then they stop. A ligh comes into the room, they take their hands off of me, i somehow get to the far corner of the closet, holding my knees as close as posible to me, as i cry silently. Luckly they kept me.. Clothed? Someone walkes over to me after two others drag the three out of the room. From how heavy the people's footsteps are i could heavy, i assumed they were addults.

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