Untitled Part 4

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 ok so this is not edited and there are so many spelling errors, i have not read over it but i just think i should post something isnce i have kinda been dead for the past idk how long, so yeah.

tw: tics?, swearing, death, sad, gore-ish but not to much, i think there is a 'dad joke' somewhere.

please enjoy!

  I hear the song everybody talks begin to come to a close, as my vision starts to regain focus, i see that i am looking out the window of a moving car. I sit up, and look around a bit more, i see that i wa laying against dylan, i see fearie's mother driving the car and i see fearie in the passenger seat.

"Where are we?" i say with the voice of a person who has not spoken in days. Everyone in the car seemed to jump at the sound of my voice. Dylan was the first to talk.

"I see you have come back to reality... wait you switched again.. Hmm" he stares directly into my eyes as if looking at my soal. They then continue. " well hello luka. How are you darling?" he gives me a warm smile and pull me over to him so im leaning on their shoulder. I answer his question with a simple 'how the fuck should i know it feels like i just woke up' to which fearie's mother said 'language' to. I look up at dylan and smile, I never understand how he knows who is fronting, but he somehow gets it right everytime.

"What day is it? And why are we in a car?" i say rubbing my eyes.i then start to hear the calming sound of rain beginning to fall on the roof of the car.

" well, you havent been here for a couple of days now, so that was fun. Isaach was fronting yesterday, so he went to school, devil and arden skipped again, we were told about a field trip yesterday so now my mom is driving us to the place that we are going.. I think its a camp or something. Sorry if that was difficult to understand that was bad wording, but oh well. Also none of your alters have drank any water since kai fronted so drink this now." fearie says handing me a water bottle.

"No, no its fine... also why did kai tell me that froggie got a black eye or something? Is he ok?" i say after grabbing the water bottle and drinking a bit. I look back out the window and catch a glimpse of a tall being floating in the air, i only saw a bit of them but it looked like they had long black hair, a floating crown, royal looking outfit with black platform shoes with heels. I mumbled a little ' i want those shoes' and shook my head knowing that it was just one of my many odd hallucinations.

All the others in the car answer my question with a panicked "wait what?" then faerie turns to me and looks me in the eyes, to which i immediately look back out the window since im kinda uncomfortable with eye contact "kai said that froggie has a black eye? Like she was punched or got hurt? What did he say exactly?" cie says with a voice that seemed serious but i could hear the worry and concern in dripping from every word, as well as anger at anyone or anything that hurt her partner.

"I dont know.. She just said that froggie had a bruise around his eye and that she seemed in pain. He really didnt say much, they were really tired so it kinda just immediately passed out." i say still recovering from being gone for multiple days. Faerie starts to freak out slightly but then calms herself down. I notice dark clouds flating above as the weather starts to get worse.

"You said we are going to a camp or something right? With this weather this will be a shitty trip..." i say earning another 'language' from faerie's mother. My necks cracks and my head hits dylan. "Oww... shit im sorry dylan.." i say, apologising for ticking. I hear both dylan and fearie sigh and tell me to not apologies for my tourettes. I zone out, looking out the window, which was very hard to look out of since the rain made the glass weird.

I get forced back into reality when i hear fearie's mum mutter "this weather is horrible i can barely see...." i watch as she switches the music controlled from the phone of faerie to the radio, specifically the station that says stuff about car crashes, trafic, and weather shit. I begin to worry as i notice other cars having difficulty with their brakes. My mind rushes through bad scenarios as fast as lightning.


I jump at the loud noise.. That was lightning... that was perfect timing..what is this a book or something? Dylan looks at me with a concerned look, then remembered why i fucking hate lightning. He pulls me closer to him and hugs me.

"Why did you two become cute after the lightning strike? One of you have some odd trauma or something? I know you do but still-"

A blood curtling scream cuts through the air as my vision failled.

My eyes open again. I notice my vision tinted red. I look around and see im upsidedown.

"Luka, hey..try to grab my hand." i hear dylan say from a bit away from me, i look over to where his voice came from, and see he is out of the now comepletely wrecked car. I unbuckle the seatbelt and fall a bit, glass cutting my skin a bit, i crawl over to dylan's hand. He pulls me out of the car and helps me stand up. I feel him pat my shoulder which sends a sharp pain throughout my arm. I see him pull his hand away, which was now covered in blood. Both of us look at my arm, my right arm to be exact, and see it covered in deep cuts and completely drenched in blood.

I hear a worried voice come from the other side of the car. The passenger side. Faerie. shit.. I look around and see faerie's mum talking to someone in the car, that person i can only think to be fearie. I couldnt really hear what she was saying though.

"Is fearie still in the car" i ask dylan with a weak voice.

"Yes, we cant get her out..." he replies with a sad look

"No... no i can help... i have to." i say as i weakly walk over to where ferrari's mum is. While walking i see a truck flipped, leaking something. Is that...... shit we need to get away from here now. I think to myself as i notice a small flame.

I reach the window of the passenger seat. Faerie';s mum backs away, crying and muttering something repeatedly. She had a couple of cuts, but out of all of us, i think she is the less injured.

"Fearie. Fearie! Look at me. Try to get the seatbelt off." i say as i notice fearie comepltetely pannacked. I hear her say some sort of 'i cant' about 700 times. "Fearie, please. I cant lose you!" i say as i feel a mixture of tears and blood fall from my face. I hear her say a rushed 'help me' throuhgh tears. I turn, to see fire staring to get bigger.

"Ok.." i say as i somehow poke my head inside the car to help my sibling. I try to push the thingie to release the seatbelt, but its completely stuck..shit.. I search my pockets and find a small army knife i found in the forest one night. I stsrt to cut the seatbelt.

" LUKA GET OUT OF THERE." i hear dylan yell completely panackeked.

"NO! IM NOT LEAVING UNTIL FEARIE IS SAFE!" i yell back completely ingulfed with anxiety and fear.

"I CANT LOSE BOTH OF YOU" he screames.

I begin to cry knowing i cant help my friend.. My sibling. I feel dylan trying to pull me out of the car. I look fearie in the eye to see her crying to. "Please.. Leave me.. I dont want you to get hurt..." my sibling says to me between sobs. I nodd as i let dylan pull me away.

 I then see that the truck that was leaking a thing was about to fucking explode..i turn to dylan and push him away from me, and sprint to fearie, cut the seatbelt, pull her out of the now burning car, and try to get her to run. Suddenly she falls. I see her foot caught on the brocken window. I panach once again and try to get her back up, but before i could do anything.. I see the brightest light i have ever seen. 

haha... trauma.. yayyyyyy... so much more trauma in hte future theough. sorry fearie.... also the psellyiing errors are just sad. not correcting them fro a while thoguh.

anyways have a good day/night/whaterverthefuck. 

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