Untitled Part 15

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warnings: intrusive thoughts,

Untitled chapter 15

So its been.. A day? Uhhh yeah i havent found a way out yet. Uhh alex, one of my alters, was fronting earlier, she patched up the stab wound with some stuff she found in a box. I havent seen or heard anyone walk past. Rose and easton left at night last night, i think they wet so stay with someone for a bit, which is good for them, but the fuck, they just left me? Well.. they probably just didnt know where i was

What if they knew and just left me?

They wouldnt do that though..

Would they?

I dont know..

Easton is the one that called me.. Maybe.. Maybe he was working with father..

Maybe they did this on purpose.

What if i die here?

Would anyone care?

I told my friends i would see them on monday and today its sundday.. So maybe they will do something if i dont show up on monday?

They would probably just think im late..

Or just skipping.

I should have told them that if i wasnt at schoo they should look for me..

But i didnt..

Im really dumb

How long will i be here?

Will i die here?

I already asked that..

My friends wold be fine without me.

If i wasnt here, fearie would probably still be alive.

That was my fault.

What about dylan?

He.. he could find someone else..

Froggie would be to caught up with fearie's death to even care if i died.

Devil has the others. Its closer with arden anyways..

And.. arden has venus. Arden would be fine.

And venus, they would be fine, we barely talk.

My siblings would be fine. They have each other, they dont need me.

Im useless.

My alters would.. Just stop existing. They would be free.

Im just keeping htem here.

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