Untitled Part 13

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hello! its been a tiny bit of time! im not sure if i should even ad tjhis shit at the start of chapters, its not like people actually read this anymore. anyways 

warnings: self ouch, abuse

Time passes, and i was still forgotten in the corner. i had been mindlessly picking at the skin of my hands, peeling of the skin at points, scratching the skin until it turned red. I looked around, noticing no one was in the room. Thats ood, i swear that they were here a second ago... i stood up, walking over to the place i knew that bandaids would be, took the box, looking at the contents.

I saw some medical tape shit and wrapped that around the bleeding skin of my hands. Footsteps aproached me from behind, i knew who it was. I felt their arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Hey dylan."

I mumbled, not feeling that social.

"Hey, love. We were going to go for a small walk since devil may have gotten a sugar high"

I smile then nod. I think for a moment

"How the fuck did it get a sugar high from pancakes?"

Dylan sighed and shook his head.

"It chugged the maple syrup.""

"Of course it did."

Someone ran up the steps fast, causing them to fall, but the person just got up after screaming 'ow' and continued to run, entering the kitchen and running up to me. I look at the person to see a jumpy devil laughing like a hyper maniac.

"Heyheyheyheyheyhey, when are we leavinggg?? Im bored."

I pat its head. Dylan unwraps his arms from aroun my shoulder. I walk downstairs, both of them following behind me. I enter froggie's room, and spot my shoes thrown in a counter. I walk over to them and put them on, tying to laces lazily.

"We could head out now if ya want."

I replied standing up again. Devil nods about 500 times. I grab my bag, making sure i have my phone and that its charged. It glitched out for a couple of seconds, and the red light thing that happenes when ur filming something went on. That was weird because i had not filmed anything. It was just on. Like someone was watching me. Then it turned off. I shrugged, telling myself i was being paranoid.

I walk out of froggie's room, patting devil's head on the way out. It followed, as well as dylan. Then froggie joined us as well. We walked to the front door and walked outside.

"Soo.. forest?"

I ask, dylan immediately replied, sounding worried.

"What- luka, darling. You almost got killed in there last night!"

"Yeah. and?"

"I- yeah okay. Its pretty in there."

I nod. We begin our walk, as soon as we got to the woods, devil ran ahead of us, then came back, then ran ahead, than came back. That happened alot. Dylan was walking beside me, froggie behind us.

"Froggie, dont even think about stopping to see if we notice like you did in that camping trip where we got lost in that forest."

I say after noticing that froggie's footsteps stopped.

"No.. its not that.. Thats not why i stopped."

"Then why did you stop?"

"Devil ran ahead a couple of minutes ago, it didnt come back."

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