Untitled Part 14

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warning: bunny(its been  awhile), abuse, gore, implied arachnophobia.

there are so many speellling errors.


word 999 apparently

I kept the door open just in case i needed to run out at some point. I didnt see anyone in the kitchen, so i ran to the living room, since the yelling and screaming came from there. When i entered the room, there my father was, holding an empty beer bottle, and holding my sister, rose, by the collar of her shirt with his other hand. He looked as if he was gonna hit her on the head with the bottle.

I ran over, grabbing another empty bottle that resided on a shelf on the way over, and hit my dad in the head with it... after jumping of the couch i be able to reach his head since my father is definitely taller than me... anyways.. The bottle shattered on his head, but he seemed unaffected, meanwhile, i had passed over rose's head, and landed on the ground, falling into a wooden table, the corner stabbing me in the side.


Said i under my breath. My father dropped rose, who fell to the ground, she was crying. My father then turned to me, anger in his drunken eyes. He had started drinking again.. Well fuck... thats not good.. He will just be an even worse father than before...

He walked over to me as i stood up, ready for anything. I noticed that my brother had ran into the room, and rushed rose out of there, her arm around his shoulder as she cried, there was a bit of blood on her leg and she was likmping.

"Oh lucas comes running in, you think you can make everything better, fuckface?"

I flinched at my deadname, but try to stay focused. I take off y backpack, throwing it under the table, quite gracefully i might add, also taking out my pretty knife i got from a weapon store that had dragon in the name. I put the knife in my pocket, luckily, my father didnt notice.

He lunged at me, swinging the empty beer bottle at me, but snine he is obviously reall fucking drunk he missed, hitting a window, well the wooden frame oft he window above my head, shattering the bottle, making glass fall on me. He threw a punch towards me, hitting my injured arm.

"Ow, fuck!"

It was more painful than usual. Well no fuking shit it hursts more than usual, you were poisioned for fuks sake! Oh yeah. Right. Tht happended. Not gonna lie, that x-virus guy is kinda cute.. I think.. I might just be insane.. Yeah im insane.. Heh.. anyways, my father laughed. He fuking laughed at my pain. That fucking bitch.

I was weak, i knew i would not stand in a fight. Im tired.

He hit me again, knocking my mask askew. I couldnt do anything, ad i kew that. I saw easton wathing me from around a corner. He was sared, i knew that. I needed to get them to be safe.

You cant do anything. Its your fault rose is hurt.you didnt get here in time. All. your. Fault.

Oh, shut up, bunny.

Just shut up.

You have been tormenting me for years,

You never seem to shut up.

Another hit to my face, i felt blood run down my nose, ew.

He grabbed my injured arm, tightly, causing me to be in pain. He dragged me to the hall that easton was hiding in. i kicked at his feet, tried to hit him, i literally bit his hand, nothing made hjim let go, he was to drunk to feel pain. He ignored easton as he walked by, which is good, but still bad for me.

He dragged me to the door, grabbing the keys on the way out. I didnt know what was happening, i was just trying to get him to let go of me. Then i remembered i had my fancy knife. I took out the knife, flipping the blade out. He oppened the door.

I reached out and stabbed his arm, blood pooling out of his arm and spilling on the stairs.

He ignored the wound, and threw me down the steps, causing the knife to get yanked from inside his arm with a sickening sqelch, the blood splattering the walls making it look like a crime scene, which it technically was. As I fell down the steps, the knife impails my side, a familiar hot red liquid pooled and seemingly bubbled out of the wound like a newly opened bottle of pop. The wound bearly missed my stomach, so at least I wouldn't die from it, might die from other shit but oh well, but it still hurt.

He walked down the steps, spreading the tail of blood down the off white steps. He got to the bottom of the steps. He looked down at me, then grabbed my injereeded arm once againdragging me past the car. He unlocked the door to the garage ant threw me inside, i climbed under a tol table, coughing pn dust. He walked over to the desk, grabbing somethings, i couldnt see what. He walked away from me, and towards the door. I coud see what he was holding, it was a heavy looking wrench. As he got to hte door, he lifted the wrench up, and brought it down on the lock on the inside of the door. The lock fell to the ground. He then walked out of the garage, after dropping the wrench. I heard the door locking. Something clicked in my head.

I ignored the pain in my ide, as i got up and speedily walked ot hte door. It was locked. I tried the doorknob, it didnt turn. I tried to unlock it from the inside, it didnt work.

I was locked in the garage.

By myself.

Probably bleeding to death.

Without food.

Or water.

I dont have my phone.

I hope my friends notice im gone soon.

I hope they do something.

Theres probably so many spiders here...

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