Untitled Part 2

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hey there! this is chapter two of a new proxy. a lot of chaos unfolds here. this chapter is about 1887 words. thats a lot of words.

trigger warnings: swearing, mention of scuicide, shit fight scene, mention of homophobic shits

please enjoy.

"this isnt gonna end well, is it?" I asked my friends, well two of them. Arden and devil to be exact. They both shake their heads. I laugh slightly. I look back to the house we were standing in front of. My house actually. I then look towards the tree beside me. The tree is close enough to the window of my room, which is on the second floor. I take a deep breath, hoping nothing goes wrong. I then walk over to the tree, put one hand on a branch close-ish to the ground but still over my head. I then put one of my feet on the trunk of the tree, then pulled myself to stand on the branch my hand was on. I continue climbing the tree. I finally get to the branch I need to be on, then walk kind of slowly, because my balance is shit, to the edge of said branch, jump onto my roof, then open my window and climb inside.

"Yes! I swear, you are a literal GOD" devil yells up to me.

"Shut up! My parent might be home, and i dont want to deal with their homophobic asses.'' I kind of yell back at devil.

I then grab my backpack, and start packing anything I would need for a while. That included; clothes, art supplies, my chromebook, my nintendo switch, the book 'the importance of being wilde at heart', stuff for school, makeup, picks for my guitar, candy that i hid in my room, a bunch of games for my nintendo(including all the legend of zelda and hyrule warrior games that are available on the switch), a couple of knives, the pen for my chromebook, some scissors cuz why not, and my tarot deck, as well as a couple lighters cuz fire, and finally some accessories cuz im a majestic being.

I walk over to the window, climb out, then leen off the edge of the roof, giving my backpack to my friends then pulling myself up again. I go back inside and grab my electric guitar, that's in its case. I remember that my acoustic guitar is downstairs.


I poke my head back out the window. " I left my other guitar downstairs, do you see any lights on?" I ask the two

"No lights on. I think it's fine. If you're going downstairs, unlock the door for us!" arden replies.

"Ok fine" I say back.

Silently, I walk down the halls to the stairs then make my way to the first floor. Luckily no one was there. Keeping my natural silent steps, I walk over to the front door, passing the kitchen. I unlock the door. My friends then walked up the steps outside and walked inside.

About one hour passed, and we have taken a lot of video games, instruments, and food. We left my house about 4 minutes ago, since i heard my mother's car pull into the driveway. We kind of ran as fast as we could all the way to devil's house. I got there first, but well, they havent ran for their fucking lives before.

I walked up the steps to the back door of the devil's house. I got the key from the hiding spot that everyone knows of, and unlocked the door. I put my backpack on the floor as well as my electric guitar. I ended up carrying that since it's apparently heavy. I waited at the door for my friends to get to here.

 all of us are welcome here since Devil's parent is nice. Though it is just Devil and their dad. Devil's mom kind of committed suicide, it was a long time ago though.

"Where are those two gremlins? They should be here by now."

I walk over to the door. Take a breath, open the door and step outside. A familiar voice rang through the air.

the new proxys (creepypasta x oc)Where stories live. Discover now