Chapter 8: Saved

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Todoroki's pov


It was temporary but in the moment it hurts. Especially when it's pain in your heart. Something that felt like it would never stop. Slowly it was cracking until it was unbearable.


Something like weight on your shoulders. One day it would be small and over time it was too much of a burden. Enough to drag you to the ground and you can't get back up.


It was something people felt a lot. I felt it most of my life. Everyday I'm upset and everyone used to try to help. But now I'm just alone, nobody to come and save me.


Slowly my eyes are opening. My half lidded eyes could only look down at my feet. I felt completely useless, I can't even save myself.

My hearing wasn't working properly. All I heard was yelling and loud explosions.

I tried to move my arms but all I could do was struggle. I feel so vulnerable anything can happen and I just have to deal with it.

I turned my head looking around at my surroundings. I'm in the woods but everyone is fighting.

The explosions were from Bakugou, but also Uraraka looked injured. Did they set bombs off?

Uraraka had dirt all over her and her clothes torn. My eyes welled up with tears. People actually came to save me.

Kirishima looked like he was out of breath. They all are probably using their quirks to much.

My hearing was starting to come back. But all the loud noises scared me. I looked around panicking, I'm having a panic attack.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. My breath became unsteady. Mina came up trying to calm me down.

The tears wouldn't stop rolling. I screamed so loud, my flames got out of control. The ropes holding my wrists burned and Mina ran away from me.

Fighting continued to happen, the only person that looked at me was Bakugou. He was fighting Dabi but kept his eyes on me.

All I could do was stare into his eyes. Those crimson eyes looked away because he started loosing.

I looked around wondering where Shigaraki went. I seen footprints that ran deeper into the forest.

I stood up and ran following after them. I had to run past Bakugou and Dabi.

"Icyhot what are you thinking!?"

"He's gonna die tonight!" I heard Toga laugh

I continue to run after them. Branches had fallen onto the ground. I kept running and only heard the cracks of branches.

"You've fallen for the trap!"

I stopped and looked around. But before I knew it I was hanging upside. Something sharp was wrapped around my leg holding me up.

It really hurt I could feel the blood started to roll out of the wound. If I move it could make it much worse.

I'm sure nobody is going to come soon. Everyone was busy fighting I shouldn't have run away by myself.

I heard someone running towards us. Shigaraki looked around but ran away to not get caught.

Bakugou ran over and cut the sharp wire around my leg. He caught me before I hit the ground.

"We have to go before people come after us again" I nodded in response

My leg hurt a lot a could barely stand on it. Bakugou must have realized because he sighed.

"You're always getting injured Shoto." He picked me up

"I'm sorry." I barely said and buried my head into his chest

He chuckled and started running away from the forest. My eyes slowly started closing.


Thank you everyone for the support and patience. I've been having a hard time currently. Thank you for reading and voting! Oh and I want to know how you all are doing?

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