Chapter 9: Heartbeat

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Bakugou's pov

Shoto looked so weak while he's laying in my arms. Those stupid villains just never want to leave us alone.

When those beautiful mismatched eyes closed my heart started pounding in my chest. Worry had finally sat in and all I could do was run faster.

I could hear my heartbeat ringing in my ears. Todoroki felt limp in my arms. The hospital is far away from where we are. If it's something serious I might not make it in time.

Tears welled up in my eyes, if I'm too late I'll never forgive myself. So many times I tell people to kill themselves but this masterpiece is the most important thing to me.

If anything terrible happens to him I will murder all of those villains myself. I don't care if I go to prison or something terrible happens to me. I just need Icyhot to be okay and survive by my side.

This forest is too large, I can only now see the city. But it still seemed out of reach. The extras most likely have already left here.

I can't blame them for not being here. I told them that their safety is more important than helping me.

I'm Katsuki Bakugou and I never need help. But in this moment I felt like I could crumble to the ground.


Standing on the other side of the glass window just watching this is painful. Doctors had to rush Shoto to the emergency room and perform surgery.

They said he is bleeding internally and they have to stop the bleeding. But it's a very risky surgery since they might not fix it in time.

Nurses were rushing around in the room trying to help. So many machines and wires were plugged into half n half.

I was terrified that at any moment his heart could stop beating. I might never see those beautiful eyes open again.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought about it. So many memories with him ran through my brain.


"Shoto be careful!"

"I'm gonna be fine Katsuki, you worry too much!" He giggled and smiled

Shoto always loves doing the monkey bars. They're his favorite thing at the park. But his short stubby arms made it difficult to do.

He reached for the first bar and luckily made it. Shoto's eyes held so much amazement.

He then reached for the second bar which seemed harder for him to reach. His small hands wrapped around the bar.

"Katsuki look I'm doing it!" He exclaimed

I nodded,"You only have 4 more to do so be careful!"

I'm only a few feet away from him. Him playing with these never end well. He's just too small for these.

He reached out for the third bar but he let go of the bar too quickly and lost his grip.

I quickly ran over and caught him before he hit the ground. His eyes welled up with tears and his bottom lip quivered.

"Hey don't cry... I'll always be here to catch you."

He looked me in the eyes,"You promise Katsu?"

"I promise!"

He wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled,"Let's get ice cream!"

I chuckled and put him back on the ground. He grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the ice cream parlor.

End of flashback

I promised him that I would always catch him. But somehow he's always ending up in danger. When he fell of that building I couldn't even save him.

I only watched as my world fell apart. I can't even keep a promise of protecting him.

We have the most difficult job of being safe but he's the most important thing to me. What kind of person does that make me?

I looked back through the window, and my breath stopped. His heartbeat stopped and the doctors were trying to bring it back.


Thank you everyone for reading this chapter. Sorry that updates are taking a bit longer, but I hope you enjoyed! Oh please keep voting, and how have you guys been?

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