Chapter 4 - The Hospital

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TW: Death


I layed in the hospital bed and listened to the sounds of people walking outside my room. My sibling and I were put in different rooms. I had heard that we had many infected cuts, extreme malnourishment, and we would need stitches. Whatever those were. They had let me take a shower and had given me clean clothes. I didn't want to get rid of my old ones, but apparently, they were too dirty and cut up to ever wear again. They gave me some food earlier, which I mostly just moved around and messed with. I was too nervous to eat anything. Many nurses and doctors came in, putting on bandages and giving me medication. I decided to try to sleep. I hadn't slept in many days, so some rest might be nice. 

I woke up to a nurse standing over me, fidgeting with her fingers and glancing around. 

"Hello-" I said in a quiet tone as my eyes adjusted to the light. She jumped before looking down at me. 

"Oh- He..hello sweetie." 

She looked extremely nervous. What was going on? My eyes finally adjusted, and I looked at the nurse. She looked like she was about to cry. 

"Hey- What's happening?" I said in a tight voice. The nurse held my hand and bent down to my level. 

"Listen.. You...Your brother-" She bit her lip before continuing. "He didn't make it. He passed away about an hour ago." 


"His wounds were very deep and infected. He was very sick. We did all that we could." 

She's joking. There's no way. My eyes filled with tears and I blinked hard, the tears falling down my cheeks. I ripped my hand away from hers and covered my eyes. 

"Stop stop stop- This isn't real" I repeated in my head. Over and over. I removed my hands and the world was blurry. Then, Darkness. 

I woke up to see some kind of tube-looking thing in my arm. I glanced around the room before a nurse came running over. 

"Your awake!" 

"What?" I quietly said as I rubbed my eyes with my good arm.

"You passed out. You've been out for about ten hours."

Ten hours? That's so long. So It.. It was a dream? 

"Wheres my siblings?" I said in a hopeful tone. 

"Well.." The nurse rubbed the back of her neck. "Your sisters not dealing too well with the passing."

So it wasn't a dream. 

(Sorry for the short chapter!! The next one will be longer)

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