Chapter 16 - The Post

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TW: Swearing, Homophobia


"Turn it off." I heard Zak grumble as my phone alarm went off. I grabbed it and yawned as I sat up from the couch where I had fallen asleep with Zak. 

"We have to get up and get ready for school. It's already seven."

"I still have time to sleep." He whispered, and he adjusted his position and went back to sleep.

I sighed as I ran into Zaks's room and grabbed my clothes that he had finally given back to me. I changed out of his clothes and set them on his bed. I then ran around and collected all my things for school. 

"Come on! We're going to be late!" I complained as Zak ran around grabbing his stuff.

"This is why you needed to get up. 

He ran up to me, breathing heavily. 

"It's okay! We just have to speed-walk to school now."

"Why don't we just take your car? It will be faster." I questioned, honestly not wanting to walk. 

"It's not that far of a walk- It's always annoying to find a parking spot." 

"Please?" I cried, trying to convince him.

"Ugh- Fine. Go get in the car, and I'll grab the keys."

I skipped out the door and hopped into Zaks car. I really liked his car. I liked feeling the wind against my face whenever we drove. I like to hang my legs out of the door. (Even though Zak tells me not to hehe-) 

Zak hopped into the driver's seat.

"I'll have to get you to a driving class so you can drive yourself, and I don't have to drive you everywhere."

I giggled. I generally hoped he would. It's been one of my dreams to drive, but of course, I never had the opportunity to learn.

As we pulled into the school's parking lot, I glanced around at all the kids piling in. Some were staring at us with odd, but I paid no mind to them. 

Zak parked the car, and we got out and walked into the school. 


"I told you driving was better! We even have a bit of time to-"

"Zak! Darryl!" Ant ran up to us with a frantic tone. 

"What happened-" I started to question Ant before he yanked us into an empty classroom and shut the door. 

"Are you guys insane? How could you guys show up today after the post?"

We both gave him a questioning look.

"What are you talking about-?" Darryl asked.

"You guys haven't seen it?" He pulled out his phone and started typing something in.

"Ant, what are you talking about- You're starting to freak me out-"

He flipped his phone around to show me a picture from the night I kissed Darryl. There on the screen, posted from an anonymous account, a picture of the kiss. I stepped back a few steps.

"No, no, no, no-" I whispered under my breath.

Ant put his phone in his pocket. 

"Listen, Zak. I don't care about it. But I know a lot of people at this school will. You guys have to get out of here."

"But my dad will kill me if he gets a call from the school saying I'm not here." I whispered, trying to hold back tears. 

"Oh, but you think he won't kill you about the picture either? I know your dad. You're not in a good situation either way. I just know it's more dangerous here."

He stepped up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Listen, Zak. This same thing happened to me and Velvet. I was sent to the hospital the injuries were so bad. People are fucking idiots about LGBTQ stuff."

The bell rang, indicating we had a few minutes left to get to class.

"Zak, you have to make a choice. You either risk injuries, or you leave. Maybe come back in a few days? I just don't know how to help."

I shoved Ant away. This isn't real. He's joking. He's just trying to prank us or something. 

No matter how much I denied it, I couldn't escape from the fact that it was real. The picture was very much still on Instagram. Saved in people's camera rolls. Posted on people's stories. There was no way I could escape this.

I turned around to grab Darryl to leave. To get out of here for a few days, so when we'd return, everyone will have forgotten all about the dumb picture. But when I turned around, the door was open, and Darryl was gone. 

Escape from Abuse - SkephaloWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt