Chapter 9 - Glasses

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As I walked to school, I thought about how much I was dreading going to school today. I was worried about the actual classes, and well... Noah. I heard him screaming at Zak yesterday, and I'm guessing he'll blame it on me. In a way, I wish I never went to school... or went to Caras house. I wonder how my sister is doing. Hopefully, she's with good people. I watched my feet and paid attention to each step. I'll get to see her in a few days at Mother and Father's court trial. Apparently, they'll be deciding if they should be sent away to "Prison" or not. My teacher said prison was where they locked bad people up for a long time. I didn't think Mother and Father were bad people. Even though they locked us up, we were "free" now. Well... I was as free as Cara would let me be.

I gazed up at the school as I stepped onto the school sidewalk. It looked pretty small, but on the inside, it was huge. In between classes, I kept getting lost when Zak wasn't there to help. As I wandered into the school, I went to the class I had first; It was the one with all the numbers. Although for some reason, they were difficult to see. Actually, now that I think about it, everything was kind of hard to see.

I sat down in my seat next to Zak. He gave me a big smile as I sat down. The last time I saw him was last night. I don't remember too much, mostly just me crying; I must have fallen asleep or something.

"Hey, Darryl! How are you?" He Asked.

"I'm okay, just a bit worried about Noah." I nervously laughed.

"You don't have to worry. He won't bother you." He gave me a big grin which made me smile as well.

The teacher came in and started to teach. She gave me a paper, and I couldn't tell what it said. It was too blurry- It was just a ton of scribbles. I frowned. I raised my hand, and the teacher came over to me.

"Uhm- I'm sorry but- I can't read this... It's too blurry-" I whispered.

She looked at my paper and gave me a puzzled look.

"Have you had your eyes checked? Or did you forget your glasses?"

Glasses? What are those?

"Uhm... No- I don't have either of those."

She tapped her pen on her chin before walking over to the phone and calling someone. She said for me to go to the nurse to get an "eye check." I didn't know what that was. I stepped out of the room and walked down the long hallway. She said down the hallway to the left... But which way was left? I decided to just guess. As I stepped into the nurse's office a tall man stood near a cabinet on his phone. As soon as I stepped in, he turned off his phone and greeted me.

"Hello! I'm Mr. Manifold. Your here for an eye exam right?" He asked in a cheerful tone.

"Yeah. So, what do I do?"

Mr. Manifold had me look at a board with letters on it. I did as best as I could. It was really difficult though, because of how blurry they were... Why would they make it like that?

After the eye exam, Mr. Manifold came over and told me I'd need glasses. He gave me a pair of temporary ones and said he'd call Cara to tell her that she needed to get me a couple of permanent ones. He then sent me off back to class. As I walked back, I looked at the glasses. They were black and had little glass pieces in them. I put them on my face, and suddenly, all the blurry-ness went away. I looked around the hallway, really being able to see every detail. I stepped back into class and sat down in my seat. I looked at Zak, who was staring at me. I smiled at him, and he smiled back before looking away quickly at his work. I could see Zak much more clearly now. He had brown eyes and big black fluffy hair. I guess I just haven't been paying enough attention to him until now.

At lunch, it was about the same as yesterday. Except for this time, Zak said Noah went to sit with his "New friends" Ranboo, Tommyinnit, and Tubbo. I thought those were quite odd names, but I decided not to question it. Zak explained that they were friends with his older brother Dream; I'm assuming that's what they called Clay.

"Oh, yea. Speaking of that, Darryl, what's your Minecraft User?" Ant exited asked.

"Mine- Minecraft? What's that?" I questioned.

Everyone at the table seemed shocked. Did I do something wrong? Zak shook his head.

"This is unacceptable. You're coming over to my house one day so that I can teach you. Once you learn, we'll add you to our SMP!" He gave me a big smile.

"Do you have a phone? I can add you to our group chat." He asked.

"Oh, yea, let me just grab it." I reached into my backpack and grabbed my phone out of the side pocket. I handed it over to Zak, and he put his name into it.

Zak :)

I laughed slightly before putting my phone back into my bag. The bell rang, and all the kids started getting up to go to the afternoon classes.

"Already? I feel like we just sat down." Karl groaned.

I said my goodbyes and got up from my seat, and started to walk away toward my next class.

"Darryl!" Zak ran up behind me.

"You almost forgot your glasses." He held them out to me, and I gently took them from his hands and put them on.

"Thanks, Zak. See you later!" I yelled as I raced off to my next class.

(Sorry if this chapter was a little boring, the next one will be more exciting :D)

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