Chapter 6 - School

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TW: Swearing


It had been about a week at Cara's house. And I have to admit; it wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. I was basically ignored the whole time, and when I was acknowledged, it was just about food or plans for school. Cara gave me a new phone. The police took my old one for "Evidence" or something. I wasn't exactly sure how to use it, but I was slowly learning. I was apparently going to school tomorrow. I was actually really excited. I had my outfit planned out and everything. I was going to wear my black and red hoodie and a pair of light-blue jeans. I had my instructions to school, classes, and locker already planned out. I had all my supplies in my backpack beside the door. I'm joining about halfway through the year, so I'm hoping kids will still talk to me. I made sure to take a good shower, brush my teeth, and do everything necessary to look nice tomorrow. After struggling with an app on my phone, I figured out how to set the alarm. Then I laid in bed and drifted off to sleep.

7:00 Am - I heard my alarm go off, and I groaned as I reached over to turn it off. I sat on the edge of my bed, rubbing my eyes until they adjusted to the light. After about five minutes, I finally got up and started to get dressed. I slipped the hoodie over my bare skin, ensuring to be careful of my bruises. I accidentally bumped one the other day on a door corner, and an excruciating pain ran through my body. I didn't expect that much pain.

After getting dressed, I slipped my phone into my backpack and grabbed the stack of papers from my bedside table. I then slung the bag on my good shoulder and walked downstairs. Noah was sitting at the table eating cereal. We ignored each other as I went to grab an apple to throw in my bag for later. I didn't want to ignore him; id really hoped he could teach me how to play his block-game, and we could be friends. But as the week goes on, he seems to be meaner. I sighed as I pulled the instructions to the school from my paper stack and put them on top. I glanced back at Noah before hurrying out the door.


7:30 - I woke up and grumbled before jumping out of bed and walking to the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I messed with my hair for a while.

"Ugh, I shouldn't have stayed up playing games with Vincent and Noah." I groaned before dragging myself back to my room to get dressed.

I put on my favorite light blue hoodie my friend Noah got for me. It had a custom little face on the hood to match my Minecraft character. I lived in my house alone with my dad, so the mornings were quiet. After my parent's divorce, my sister Samira went with my mom, and I went with my dad. The holiday break just ended, which I'm not excited about. However, it would be nice to see my friends in person again. I glanced at the time. 8:02.

"I'M LATE- SHIT" I quickly grabbed my bag and sped out of the house.

8:17 - I walked through the attendance office to grab a late slip. I was two minutes late. Couldn't they of just let me go? I stuffed my hands into my hoodie pocket and walked to my first period. Math. Ew. I hate math. It's like the most boring class ever; Especially when you have the world's worst teacher. I dragged my feet through the hallway and peered through the door. The class was still chatting. The teacher wasn't there, so I just walked in and threw the slip on her desk.

"Zak! Over here!" I recognized the iconic french accent. I turned around and grinned as I saw Vincent. I hurried over to him and took a seat next to him.

"How do you always have so much energy in the mornings... Especially when we stayed up till four am when you were forcing me to play with you and Noah." He laughed.

"I drink a lot of caffeine. Monsters keep me going." He laughed. I sighed and laid my head down on the desk. I've never had a Monster before, and I don't have the money for it. My dad definitely wouldn't buy any for me. Occasionally I'll have coffee, but that's on rare occasions. I used to try to drink it whenever I could, but then my dad wouldn't let me have it the next day, and I would get a huge headache.

"Class. Listen up."

I rested my head on my hand and looked at her. She pulled a kid out from the hallway.

"This is Darryl; he's new. Please go sit down next to Zak. He's wearing the cyan hoodie." I watched as the boy nervously walked over. He had golden-brown hair, green eyes, and he was skinny. Very skinny. I looked over to Vincent, and he seemed to have noticed too. The Darryl kid sat down and put his pack back in-between his legs. The teacher started teaching, which I paid no mind to. I just closely inspected Darryl. He was looking at his empty desk, messing with his hoodie strings. He had bruises and cuts all over his neck. Even though I knew nothing about this kid, I felt terrible. I was really worried about him.

I slipped my phone out from my hoodie pocket and held it near my legs, trying to text Vincent. It didn't go as plan though, because I dropped onto the ground, making a loud noise.

"shit." I muttered to myself. I reached down and picked up my phone from the ground, and shoved it in my backpack. I would have attempted to text Vincent again, but I realized the teacher was staring directly at me, and I didn't want to risk getting my phone taken.


I threw all my stuff in my backpack as kids started flooding out of the room. I didn't understand this class at all. I've never even heard of "Math" before today. I realized I was the only one left, aside from the kid next to me. Zak, I think. He was looking at me, which made me a bit uncomfortable, but I just kept putting my things away. After I was done, I zipped up my bag and put it on my shoulder. I started to walk out of the class into the crowded hallway.

"Hey! Darryl, right?" I saw Zak approaching me.

"Yea, that's.. that's my name." I was extremely nervous, and it had been so long since school, I didn't remember what to say.

"I just wanted to see if you would possibly want a tour of the school or help with your classes."I nodded.

"Yeah. That would be nice. I have uhm- sc-sculpture next?" I still struggled with some words. And I hoped he didn't start laughing at me as others had.

"Oh yeah, of course! I have that class next too. I'll walk you over there. Miss Niki is one of my favorite teachers here! You'll love her." He gave me a warm smile before leading me to the room.

"Hello, Darryl!" Miss Niki greeted me with a cheerful tone.

I liked her room- It smelled like strawberries which I had just had yesterday for the first time. It made me smile. Zak went and sat down next to his friends, I'm guessing. Miss Niki sat me down at a table across the room from Zak; Which made me a little sad. I liked Zak. He was the first person who was genuinely kind to me after I left the hospital. As I listed to Miss Niki talk, I looked around the room at all the kids. There were a lot of kids packed into the small room.

My eyes wandered back over to Zak, who was looking at me. We stared at each other for a bit before he giggled and looked back down to his paper. I did the same. Maybe with Zak by my side, school wouldn't be so bad.

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